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State of healthcare with the implementation of AI

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Healthcare is riddled with tedious tasks all of which consist enormous amounts of data and information, processing all of this manually can at most times be difficult. Healthcare Artificial Intelligence is the division of Healthcare that leverages the power of technology and Artificial Intelligence to automate the processes carried out in Healthcare. The first and foremost focus of Healthcare AI applications in is it’s need to recognize relationships and their differences between the techniques for treatment or prevention of patient outcomes.

Before throwing an AI system into the working environment, they are required to be trained for the task they’re to be deployed for. This training is done through data that are generated from clinical activities, these clinical activities can include screening, diagnosis, treatment, etc, such that the AI is able to learn similar groups of subjects and associate between subject features to determine outcomes of interest. These clinical data often exist in but not limited to the form of demographics, medical notes, electronic recordings, physical examinations and clinical laboratory and images.

Traditional Healthcare processes constitute of growing problems that keep recurring, these problems take forms of: Limited Data Access, Regulation Compliance, Prediction Accuracy, Traditional Infrastructure, Data Extraction and Data Security.
The aforementioned problems can be approached through various solutions, some Healthcare AI Solutions that we have listed out are: AI based Healthcare Product Engineering, Enterprise AI Platform, AI-driven Health Analytics, Healthcare Operational Support, AI-powered IoT Automation and AI-based Healthcare Informatics.

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The above process image gives us an outline of how clinical data from medical devices are incorporated into the Artificial Intelligence algorithm by healthcare ai companies and are in-turn, converted into useful insights with the help of Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Analytics.

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  1. lukejamie07's Avatar
    Nice post. I also would like to suggest one good article on AI application in healthcare: