Digital Industries World, open IoT operating system, Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich, Germany

MindSphere - Siemens Cloud for Industry

Published on Apr 27, 2016

MindShpere - “Siemens Cloud for Industry” - connects the real production and the virtual world. Initially, all data defined by the customer are for example gathered by “Mind Connect Nano” and transmitted at fixed time intervals to “MindSphere”.

MindSphere – The open IoT operating system

Published on Jan 13, 2017

The open cloud based system from Siemens, MindSphere, is a centerpiece of a powerful IoT operating system with data analytics and connectivity capabilities with eg. OPC, tools for developers to create applications like MindApps and services. It helps to evaluate and utilize your data and to gain breakthrough insights.

MindSphere - The cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens | 26 April 2017 - 1:15 pm

Started streaming Apr 26, 2017

How the IoT changes everything - Digitalization with MindSphere

RFID-System SIMATIC RF600 supplies data to MindSphere

Published on May 3, 2017

The analysis of the data that are provided to MindSphere with the help of SIMATIC RF600 is creating transparency in terms of KPIs such as plant availability, utilization of assets, or energy-saving potential. This will allow the targeted optimization of production processes and supply chains with a view to improving efficiency and quality in production, logistics, asset management, and other areas.

MindSphere at Siemens US Energy Hub in Charlotte

Published on Oct 2, 2017

MindSphere in action at the Energy Hub in Charlotte, North Carolina. MindSphere is the open, cloud-based IoT operating system from Siemens that lets you connect your machines and physical infrastructure to the digital world. It lets you harness big data from billions of intelligent devices, enabling you to uncover transformational insights across your entire business.

Master your future with MindSphere

Published on Oct 5, 2017

MindSphere is the future of Siemens. Combining game-changing technology, with a start-up feel - we’re able to innovate fast and invent the new. We’re looking for smart, ambitious people to work with us globally across Sales, R&D and Software Development. Looking for a role where you’ll push your limits and learn something new every day? Our MindSphere team could be for you.

The MindSphere Innovation Network Launch (MINe)

Published on Oct 11, 2017

The MindSphere Innovation Network (MINe) aims to connect estate and research assets from Universities throughout the UK and across the globe, into our innovative Internet of Things platform (IoT); MindSphere.

The first university to join is the University of Sheffield with the opening of their MindSphere lounge.


Mind App Fleet Manager for machine tools

Published on Oct 24, 2017

With the new MindApp Fleet Manager for Machine Tools you can benefit from our expertise in data analytics, and from our product and process know-how. With Fleet Manager for Machine Tools you reduce unplanned down times and increase efficiency levels of your machines.

MindSphere: an app in 20 minutes

Published on Apr 26, 2018

Based on a simple use case you'll see how easy it is to develop and deploy an app with MindSphere. The presentation shows how data from a machine could be used to generate value.

How can MindSphere help you?

Published on Sep 19, 2018

Siemens Australia and Swinburne University of Technology recently launched Australia's first MindSphere demonstration and application centre at Swinburne's Factory of the Future. Hear Siemens Australia's Executive General Manager for Digital Factory, Michael Freyny, explain what MindSphere is and how it will benefit Australian and New Zealand companies as we move into the future.

MindSphere MeetUp Hamburg

Published on Nov 6, 2018

Ein Treffen von MindSphere-Kunden und Anbietern digitaler Dienste in Hamburg, bei dem der gemeinsame Austausch im Vordergrund steht, sowie das Kennenlernen von besonderen Features des offenen IoT-Betriebssystems MindSphere von Siemens.

SIMATIC MindSphere apps unveil the power of your production

Published on Nov 27, 2018

Track and optimize the performance and energy consumption of your production around the world, in real time.
Our SIMATIC MindSphere apps use the data harnessed by MindSphere, our IoT operating system, so that you are always informed about the current status of your machines – globally and locally.

Power monitoring and MindSphere - a successful combination

Published on Dec 3, 2018

Just like the energy saving champion, Rexel Austria, with our power monitoring system and MindSphere, you can not only digitalize your own energy consumption and thus save money, at the same time you can also develop new business models.

We are MindSphere World

Oct 20, 2020

By 2025, the Internet of Things (IoT) is expected to network up to 75 billion objects. Currently, 27 billion networked devices are already in use.
Trends such as Industry 4.0, connected mobility or the inevitable platform thinking will further accelerate the growth and variety of applications and will certainly raise many questions.
Regardless of what stage of digital change your company is in, in the global community of MindSphere World you will find like-minded people from various disciplines who want to help shape and drive these rapid developments.
Sharing visions, exchanging experiences, getting creative together and developing use cases or simply challenging an application: That is the power of many.