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Thread: Foundation models, Sakana AI, foundation models, Tokyo, Japan

  1. #1

    Foundation models, Sakana AI, foundation models, Tokyo, Japan

    Developer - Sakana AI

  2. #2

    NTT R&D Forum2023 Special session2:Natured Inspired Intelligence and a New Paradigm for LLM

    Dec 8, 2023

    David Ha Co-Founder CEO
    Llion Jones Co-Founder CTO
    Sakana AI

    0:00 Introduction
    1:28 Founding Team(David)
    6:13 Long Term Technical Vision(David)
    13:00 Why Start an AI Company in Japan?(David)
    17:43 Character Level Language Modelling(Llion)
    31:14 Q&A

  3. #3

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