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GWAM mobile manipulator

Published on Apr 26, 2012

The G-WAM is the best framework for intelligent mobile manipulation in indoor/outdoor environments.
The new mobile manipulator is suited for research (motion planning, advanced haptics, perception in mobile manipulation, robust motion control, learning by demonstration/instruction ) and application development (service robotics, defence, ambient assisted living).

Autonomous pick and place operations in industrial production

Published on Apr 19, 2016

Pick and place applications are very common in industrial environments. Autonomous execution of this task is desirable, as it is simple and repetitive for a human. At DLR, we employ a mobile robot containing a light weight robot (LWR) arm, a pan-tilt unit (PTU) and a multitude of sensors. In this video, we demonstrate the fundamental abilities of the mobile manipulator needed to carry out an exemplary task fully autonomously. Based on a 2D map, which has to be recorded beforehand, the robot is able to navigate from the warehouse to the production site and vice versa. Due to the fact that the shelves are movable, exact positions cannot be taught. Therefore, the robot has to ?nd the exact relative position to the shelf with its sensor equipment. Using object recognition, environment modeling and path planning the robot is enabled to fully autonomously place ?lled SLCs into the shelve and retrieve empty ones. At the warehouse, the robot is unloaded and loaded manually by a worker.