
At the Speed of Money: How Cryptocurrency Will Transform Everything | David Morris | TEDxTampaBay

Published on Oct 28, 2015

At TEDxTampaBay, David explores how Bitcoin and related technologies will radically change just about everything.

Passionate about the intersection of technology and culture, Dr. David Z. Morris is a researcher with a PhD in Communication and Media Studies from the University of Iowa. As a writer and strategist, David has written about Bitcoin and other technology for Fortune, The Atlantic, Aeon, and Pacific Standard. His academic work has appeared in journals including Technology and Culture and Communication and Critical Cultural Studies, and he has received research awards from the National Communication Association and the Modern Language Association. He is a former research fellow with both the Japan Foundation for the Promotion of Science and the University of South Florida’s Provost’s Fellows program.

Top 3 Cryptocurrency to Invest in 2017

Published on Dec 1, 2016

How to invest in cryptocurrency
Learn my top 3 cryptocurrency to invest in 2017.
There is only a few cryptocurrencies that deserve our attention. In this video I show you the 3 cryptocurrency you should buy in 2017 and beyond.

Number 3: Ethereum. Ethereum has been around for a few years already and is now the second biggest cryptocurrency by market cap. There was a lot of trouble with the hardfork over the past few months but I believe that future is brighter for Ethereum.

number 2: Factom has been the underdog for quite a while. I really think that factom has a lot of utility cand could become one of the most valuable cryptocurrency out there.

Number 1: Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency ever created and we are currently in the biggest bull run we've seen so far. I am holding my breath and a lot of expert said that bitcoin would be worth thousands of dollar in 2017. I do believe the same and Im looking forward to it.

Those were my top 3 picks I think will do very good in 2017. Let me know below what are your picks.

Vinay Gupta at Michel Bauwens & the promise of the blockchain
April 1, 2016

Michel Bauwens & the Promise of the Blockchain
Date: February 25, 2016
Location: Flemish Arts Centre De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam

Vinay Gupta (UK)
'Unrecognisable Capitalism'
In this talk Vinay Gupta explains how the blockchain has come about and puts the development of this new technology in perspective of the history of computing, databases and the internet.

FIBER and De Brakke Grond present ‘Michel Bauwens & The Promise of the Blockchain – Future applications of decentralized databases’. This event is part of ‘All Futures Memories’ (De Brakke Grond) and is FIBER’s 12th edition of their Coded Matter(s) event series.
The rise of the infamous cryptocurrency Bitcoin has sparked interest in another revolutionary technology: the blockchain, which has been predicted to greatly alter the world we live in. FIBER and De Brakke Grond Centre for the Arts presents a night of discussions between Flemish cyber-philosopher Michel Bauwens and leading artists, designers, and researchers on the applications and implications of the blockchain.

Blockchain and the middleman

Published on Sep 22, 2017

Transactions have always involved middlemen. They establish trust—but also bring extra cost, complexity, and potential for error. Blockchain provides a secure, fast, transparent, and error-free digital record of the history of transactions, and so has the potential to replace many intermediaries. Will it?

Microsoft and Blue Prism collaborate to deliver intelligent automation capabilities

Published on Oct 16, 2017

Microsoft, Blue Prism and Identitii have teamed-up to streamline financial transactions and address money laundering using blockchain technology. This solution enables banks and financial institutions to use Blue Prism to automate and audit financial transactions while Azure provides the machine learning analytics and Identitii the database capabilities.

Samsung: Mine bitcoin with old Galaxy S5s

Published on Oct 30, 2017

The software is coming in a future update

Samsung read the last e-waste report from Greenpeace too, and likely wasn't too happy about the slamming it got from the organization. Which leads us to the Korean electronics juggernaut's system for upcycling old phones. Specifically, the company rigged a bunch of them together and turned them into a bitcoin mining contraption. According to Motherboard, Samsung strung 40 Galaxy S5 together to mine recently, and apparently just eight of them wired together can mine in a way that's more power-efficient than a desktop computer.

What is Bitcoin? - Live Q&A

Streamed live January 18, 2018

Crypto-currencies like Bitcoin are becoming more and more popular with investors and online businesses, but what exactly is it? Find out everything you need to know in todays live show and be sure to leave your comments in the chat box!

The Bitcoin Psyop

Published on Jan 19, 2018

Yes, the blockchain is truly revolutionary. Yes, bitcoin is Tulipmania 2.0. Yes, cryptocurrency is a nail in the coffin of the bankster parasites. Yes, digital currency is a tool of the totalitarian tyrants. No, these statements are not contradictory. But don’t worry if you think they are. You’re just a victim of "The Bitcoin Psyop."

Episode 328 – The Bitcoin Psyop

by Corbett
January 20, 2018