Natural Robotics Contest

The Natural Robotics Contest

May 3, 2022

An opportunity for anyone to have their idea for a bioinspired robot be turned into a reality:

To enter, you'll need a drawing of your robot and a short description of what it does. We're looking for creativity and potential impact, not drawing ability, so you don't need to be an artist to win.

Submissions are invited from people of all ages - anyone with an interest in nature or robotics is welcome.

The deadline for submissions is June 30, 2022.

The winning submission will be designed and fabricated into a real prototype by the robotics team, and will be unveiled over the summer.

The Natural Robotics Contest 2022 Winner: 'Gillbert'

Oct 20, 2022

This summer, we held a contest seeking ideas robots inspired by nature, that could help the world. And then we made the winning idea into a real working prototype!

The winner this year was 'Gillbert' by Eleanor Mackinstosh, a robotic fish that filters microplastics using its gills.