Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

DENSO Future Cabin Concept Ver.2

Oct 24, 2019

Technologies of DENSO will change your cars into "comfotable space". As autonomous driving(level 4) will merge onto roadways around 2025-2030, DENSO will offer attractive suggesions to make in-car expelience comfortable.

00:33 Fit for each passenger's preference on tempreture and make mobility experience comfortable.
00:53 By controlling the temperature of each item, deliver fresh/frozen food efficiently to any location, anytime.
01:12 Provide seamless transfer from a pre-registered vehicle to another, with support from facial recognition system and transfer guide system.
01:29 Provide comfortable journey, even if it is a long-ride, with items ordered before transfer.
01:58 Based on vital information, an AI agent determines the level of concentration, tiredness, and stress of the driver, making suggestions best fir for making him/her more comfortable.
02:02 A cool flow of air around your neck, a refreshing scent and visual aides on windshield will make you stay focused on driving safely.
02:18 Even if two cars are in different locations, their car windows can get connected and allow drivers/passengers to communicate each other as if they were in the same place.
02:44 Do not worry about sudden changes of plans! An AI agent will suggest a variety of options based on preference of drivers/passengers, including when, where and what they can experience.
02:50 Enjoy the travel time more with destionation-related contents that stimulates the 5 senses.

This animation video is planned by DENSO and produced by CRAFTAR Inc. CRAFTAR Inc. is a leading animation studio that excels at the latest digital technologies, including its original "Smart CG animation", to produce video content in a wide range of fields, such as motion picture, television, commercials and virtual reality.