BionicSwift, safe aerial acrobatics as a swarm, Festo AG & Co. KG, Esslingen am Neckar, Germany

Festo BionicSwift 2021

Mar 31, 2021

Thanks to a close look at wings in nature, the BionicSwifts are agile, nimble and can even fly loops and tight turns. The five artificial swallows can move in a coordinated and autonomous manner in a defined airspace by interacting with a radio-based indoor GPS (ultra wideband, UWB).

Bionic Swift Experimental Set – Teaser: Flying like a bird - a dream of mankind!

Apr 8, 2021

The Bionic Swift is a robot bird inspired by the swallow, designed for general technical education. The experimental set allows assembly of the wings and tail, which are controlled by a remote control.
The Bionic Swift can be used to impart relevant knowledge on the topics of bird flight, bionics and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) both in the school education environment and in the private sector. Festo Didactic presents herewith a new experimental set within the existing bionics educational concept “Bionics4Education”, which will be available at the end of 2021.

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