Obi, dining robot, helps disabled people feed themselves, DESIN LLC, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

Meet Obi – the robotic dining companion

Published on Mar 15, 2016

Meet Obi, the revolutionary robot making eating enjoyable again. This feeding device is a turnkey eating aid for disabled individuals looking to bring independence to meal time. This is an assistive technology perfect for home health care and more. View our introductory video and learn how Obi impacts the lives of many!

Obi robotic dining companion - user setup guide

Published on May 24, 2016

Meet Obi, the revolutionary robot making eating enjoyable again. This feeding device is a turnkey eating aid for disabled individuals looking to bring independence to meal time. This assistive technology is perfect for home health care and more. View our user setup video and learn how Obi impacts the lives of many!

Obi | Clean and simple

Published on Jan 23, 2017

Look familiar? Capable of delivering food and beverages to thousands of locations, Obi keeps it clean and simple with precision delivery. With multiple choices of button functions to alternate between serving trays and delivery, we're working to make dining independently so easy even a kid can take part!