LEONARDO (LEg ON Aerial Robotic DrOne, Leo), flying bipedal robot, USA

Oct 2, 2019

Caltech’s LEONARDO (LEgs ONboARD drOne) is a bipedal robot that uses synchronized control of drone-like propellers and legged joints.

This robot is under development at the Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST).

The core research team includes Prof. Mory Gharib, Prof. Soon-Jo Chung, Dr. Kyunam Kim, Patrick Spieler, and Caltech SURF students Yasmin Veys, Saskia van Nieuwstadt, and Brian Cruz.

Happy Holidays from the LEONARDO robot by Caltech's Aerospace Robotics and Control Lab

Dec 26, 2020

Our robots wish you Happy Holidays!
Starring world's first robot slackliner (Leonardo)!

Leonardo: the skateboarding, slacklining robot

Oct 6, 2021

Researchers at Caltech have built a bipedal robot that combines walking with flying to create a new type of locomotion, making it exceptionally nimble and capable of complex movements.

Part walking robot, part flying drone, the newly developed LEONARDO (short for LEgs ONboARD drOne, or LEO for short) can walk a slackline, hop, and even ride a skateboard. Developed by a team at Caltech's Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST), LEO is the first robot that uses multi-joint legs and propeller-based thrusters to achieve a fine degree of control over its balance.

A paper about the LEO robot was published online on October 6 and is featured on the October 2021 cover of Science Robotics.

"LEONARDO, the Bipedal Robot, Can Ride a Skateboard and Walk a Slackline"

October 6, 2021

"A professional slackliner robot"

by Stefano Mintchev
October 6, 2021