Self-folding robots, Harvard Microrobotics Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Robot Self-Assembly by Folding: A Printed Inchworm Robot

Published on May 7, 2013

Presented at ICRA 2013 by Samuel M. Felton, Michael T. Tolley, Cagdas D. Onal, Daniela Rus, and Robert J. Wood from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, Harvard University

Article "This Crawling Inchworm Robot Can Be Printed Out and Folds Itself"

by Evan Ackerman
May 7, 2013

Self-folding with shape memory composites

Published on Jul 15, 2013

This video shows several flat composite structures folding into a predetermined shape when heated by an electric current.

Self-folding robots

Published on Aug 11, 2014

The Harvard Microrobotics Lab has recently demonstrated a self-folding robot capable of assembling itself from a flat configuration and walking away.