Alain Riby's automatons

The Coronation of Napoleon

Published on Oct 1, 2015

Published on Oct 25, 2015

This video presents Alain Riby's collection of artistic automatons. The entire collection which is truly unique in Europe is for sale!

Artistic Automatons by Alain Riby - Animated Scale Model with Robot

Published on Nov 1, 2015

The animated scale model is a 10-minute musical show featuring special effects and the interplay of light and sound; while the robot organist plays, the flagstones below him illuminate in synchronicity with the music.

A program enabling the automatic commencement of the show via computer command is currently in the works.

Artistic Automatons by Alain Riby - French Republican Guard Fanfare Set

Published on Nov 1, 2015

Background made by enlarging perspective photographs shot on a 14th of July celebration at the Champs Elysées. The set includes:

. 17 trumpet-playing cavalrymen of the Republican Guard (fanfare scene) . Cavalry horses placed on a carpet-covered base . Musicians (movements synchronized with the music) . A sound system . And also a lighting system, comprised of 12v spotlights