ACROBOT (Adhesive Climbing Robot), Simon Kalouche, NASA JPL's Extreme Environment Robotics Lab, USA

Gecko Adhesive Climbing Robot, ACROBOT II

Published on Jan 20, 2015

Initial vertical climbing demonstration of ACROBOT II. ACROBOT II is a gecko adhesive enabled robot capable of climbing surfaces of any gravitational orientation or in full zero gravity. ACROBOT II has two perpendicular rack and pinion mechanisms which allow it to translate in the x and y directions.

ACROBOT II was designed and developed by Simon Kalouche in NASA JPL's Extreme Environment Robotics Lab

ACRobot zero gravity mobility

Published on Dec 15, 2015

ACRobot (Adhesive Climbing Robot) uses two pairs of directional gecko adhesive pads aligned in opposition to generate adhesion to surfaces in any gravitational orientation or in full zero gravity. This video shows successful climbing tests (sped up 24x) in micro-gravity aboard NASA's Vomit Comet Flights.

ACRobot is a prototype designed for inspection applications on the International Space Station.