Robot Missions, developing a robot platform to help make shoreline cleanup faster, Toronto, Canada

Robot Missions - Prototype Robot Functionality Test

Published on Feb 26, 2016

Taking the prototype robot out for a spin to measure soil moisture on a particularly warm day in February! Also noting improvements that will be iterated on for the next revision.

Robot Missions enables makers and humanitarians to collaborate on improving the environment through missions. The first mission is clearing debris from shorelines.

Ottawa Field Test - Robot Missions

Published on Jun 3, 2016

A successful capture of a can by the robot! Helping reduce our impact on the shoreline.

Here's the experience at the Ottawa Field Test at Westboro Beach. It was worthwhile for the learned lessons - we will use these to improve the robot for the next Field Test.

Thanks to all of the volunteers and participants!

Robot Missions, robot platform to help make shoreline cleanup faster on Kickstarter

Published on Jun 4, 2016

Autonomous routine testing - timelapse

Published on Sep 26, 2016

Robot running a routine to collect sand in its scoop, turn, deposit it, and repeat. It was interesting to watch the patterns, and see how the robot moved because of the difficult terrain (sand).

Autonomous routine testing - mode #1 & #2

Published on Sep 26, 2016

Observing two modes of autonomous routines on the robot. Mode #1 uses the scoop as a way to 'sweep' the sand. Mode #2 scoops, turns, deposits, then repeats.

Robot Missions - the experience

Published on Oct 9, 2016

Robot Missions enables makers and environmentalists to collaborate on large challenges facing the environment with the use of a robot platform. Using a 3D printable robot platform for debris retrieval, exploration, and mobile sensor monitoring. The first mission is collecting shoreline debris, embarking on multiple Field Tests in Toronto and Ottawa.

Robot on Thin Ice Expedition

Published on Feb 20, 2017

With robots, we can go to places that are dangerous for humans. The ice isn't entirely frozen, but we were curious to explore further — so we deployed the Robot Missions robot!

Bowie the robot - plastic pollution shoreline beach cleanup robot

Jul 5, 2021

Bowie the robot detects garbage and plastic, then uses its arm to deposit it into its hopper.

May 18, 2019 at Westboro Beach in Ottawa, ON