
An ape-inspired power line inspection robot

Published on Jul 18, 2016

The inspection of power lines is critical to maintaining the integrity of the distribution and transmission grid. Currently, inspection is carried out by a team of workers on the line or by helicopter patrols. These methods are labour-intensive, dangerous and expensive.

The focus of this project is to develop an autonomous robot which is capable of inspecting power lines. This removes humans from the dangerous scenario and instead lets them control the robot from a safe position on the ground. Alternatively, the robot autonomously inspects the lines and the data can be analysed once the robot has completed its inspections.

A prototype version of the robot was developed which confirmed key aspects of the project such as trajectory generation/optimisation, nonlinear (feedback) control design, electronics and software, and the mechanical design.

Developed by:
Javaad Patel & Prof. Edward Boje
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

"The Ape Inspired Power Line Inspection Robot"

by Javaad Patel
July 19, 2016

Langur monkeys grieve over fake monkey

Published on Jan 11, 2017

Langur monkeys mistake the motionless robotic spy monkey that was accidentally dropped as a lifeless baby langur and begin to grieve.