Giacometti Arm with Balloon Body, 20m super long robot arm, Suzumori Endo Lab, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

20m super long robot arm - Giacometti Arm with Balloon Body

Published on Dec 12, 2016

Suzumori Endo Lab in Tokyo Institute of Technology has developed a 20m-long robot arm named “Giacometti Arm with Balloon Body”.
The Giacometti Arm with Balloon Body has 20 joints driven by pneumatic, thin artificial muscles.
Arm structures consist of helium-filled balloons and compensate for their self-weight.The robot is very light (1.2 kg) and essentially safe even if it falls down or hits something. It is expected to be used for search and inspection.

Project members:
Masashi Takeichi, Hiroyuki Nabae, Gen Endo, Koichi Suzumori.