Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban: How i became a billionaire

Published on Apr 23, 2014

Bloomberg Game Changers profiles Dallas Mavericks' owner Mark Cuban. See how Cuban spun his love of basketball into a multi-billion dollar enterprise.

Mark Cuban talks about what it takes to be successful with anything

Published on May 23, 2019

Some influencers don't say much, quietly making deals behind the scenes. Mark Cuban is the total opposite. The owner of the Dallas Mavericks is known for criticizing referees and presidents alike. His business chops go back to the 1990s, when Cuban co-founded an online streaming company that he sold to Yahoo for $5.7 billion. He has since invested in dozens of startups and continues to do so as a host of the show "Shark Tank." Cuban is here to talk about how to pick the right investments, ignoring everybody else's noise, and maybe generating some of your own.

Hello, everyone, I'm Andy Serwer. Welcome to "Influencers," and welcome to our guest Mark Cuban. Mark, great to see you.

MARK CUBAN: Thanks for having me.

ANDY SERWER: Mark, of course, entrepreneur, star of "Shark Tank," owner of the Dallas Mavericks. And, in fact, he's hosting us here today. We're at Dallas Mavericks headquarters here across the street.

MARK CUBAN: Yep. Right across from the arena.

ANDY SERWER: From the arena, right. So, a whole bunch of stuff to talk to you about.

MARK CUBAN: Fire away.

ANDY SERWER: But let's talk about this president thing that's out there. There are people who suggest that you should run for president, maybe you have aspirations. I don't know, but it's a discussion point. So what would it take to have you run for president?

MARK CUBAN: I'm excited about next year for the Mavs. It's going to be a great season.

ANDY SERWER: Come on, man.

MARK CUBAN: I don't even want to get into it. I mean, I did one quick interview, and then all of a sudden it blew up. I don't want to feed the beast. Like I said, there is a certain set of circumstances that would push me to do it, but we're not there yet. So if and when it happens, you'll be the first to know, Andy.

ANDY SERWER: OK. That's very cool. What about the Democratic field? Is there anyone there that you think can challenge President Trump?

MARK CUBAN: Well, I mean, there's now and then there's November of 2020. I mean, if the election were held today, I think Trump would win. I don't think that there's somebody that has the momentum or just the value of the incumbency that Trump has. But, at the same time, between now and then, I think Joe Biden has got a good chance. And we'll see what happens with any of the other of the field of 97 to see if anybody emerges or if anybody new comes in.

I think Biden is capable of beating him, but we're not there yet.

ANDY SERWER: You've been critical of President Trump before. Have you kind of made any peace with him? I mean, you know, it's been a couple of years.

MARK CUBAN: I get along with him. I mean, you know, we didn't have to make peace. You know, like any president, I agree with some things and disagree with other things. It's not personal. There's things I would do differently, and but it was the same with Obama, it was the same with Bush, it was the same with Clinton. That's just the nature of the beast.

ANDY SERWER: So have you talked to him and given him any advice? Or what advice would you give him?

MARK CUBAN: I mean, I'm not a fan of the tariffs. I understand what he's trying to do in terms of battling China. I would approach it differently, because I think tariffs are attacks on the American people. But, at the same time, I think we have a variety of other leverage points. I'll give you the perfect example. Chinese companies on American-- Chinese companies listed on American exchanges have a market cap of more than $1.4 trillion. That's a lot of leverage right there. They're raising money via IPOs-- something we can't do in China. I'd shut down all Chinese IPOs.

Watch Mark Cuban discuss the tech startup that made him a billionaire

Mar 31, 2020

Brian Cooley talks to serial entrepreneur and billionaire Mark Cuban about his business venture AudioNet. The small startup would eventually become and subsequently sold to Yahoo in the 90's during the height of the dot com boom.

Mark Cuban: Shark Tank, DEI & Wokeism Debate, Elon Musk, Politics & Drugs | Lex Fridman Podcast #422

Mar 29, 2024

Mark Cuban is a businessman, investor, star of TV series Shark Tank, long-time principal owner of Dallas Mavericks, and founder of Cost Plus Drugs.


0:00 - Introduction
0:54 - Entrepreneurship
15:48 - Shark Tank
26:13 - How Mark made first billion
52:24 - Dallas Mavericks
57:49 - DEI debate
1:33:42 - Trump vs Biden
1:36:04 - Immigration
1:45:37 - Drugs and Big Pharma
2:01:38 - AI
2:05:49 - Advice for young people