Jaimie Mantzel, Spider Tank; Giant Robot Project, South Royalton, Vermont, USA

ATTACKNADS! Newest, Most awesome Robot in the universe!

Published on Dec 18, 2013

Well, you can also buy an AttackNID at this location...

This video has in no way been sanctioned by uhh..... well, anyone, really. In fact I'm sure there are people out there who'd rather have had their eyeballs and ears removed for the minute they spent watching this. To you people, I appologize that you've been born with no funny boner I mean bone whatsoever.

Robot Man
August 9, 2015

Robot Man: The Story of Jaimie Mantzel
Rough Edit
Produced by Sean Caesar and Chris Tremblay
Directed by Sean Caesar
Director of Cinematography Chris Tremblay

Giant Robot Project

Published on May 9, 2016

Here's the Giant Robot Project. almost 100 episodes broken down to 1. I'm planning on doing this with a bunch of my past projects. I hope the others aren't as emotionally exhausting as it was for me to relive this!

My newest robot invention... Spider Tank

Published on May 10, 2016

Uhh.... its my newest invention.... a radio controlled spider tank. About a foot tall.

Big Bug.... precursor to the spider tank

Published on May 10, 2016

Its a steel mess.... that works. I kinda went nuts with the spot welder on this one.