Wevolver, open hardware projects, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Worlds first humanoid Open Source 3D printed robot InMoov
June 24, 2014

The InMoov robot is worlds first Open Source 3D printed humanoid size robot which you can 3D print yourself with a home 3D printer. The InMoov robot was created by Gael Langevin and is powered with Arduino boards. You can download the parts for the InMoov robot at Wevolver.com

The democratization of technology

Published on Mar 7, 2016

The open source software movement has proven that creating and sharing in an open way sparks innovation, empowers developers and makes technology more accessible.
Now it's time for innovation in open source hardware technology!

Projects shown:
- Ada Hand by Open Bionics
- Ultimaker Original by Ultimaker
- Hackberry by exiii
- Life3D Capsule by Tristan Schoony
- OpenROV V2.8 by OpenROV
- Airborne by Rod Read
- Hexapod by Josh Elijah
- Hovalin by Matt and Kaitlyn Hova
- PLEN by PLEN Committee
- Open Wheels
- InMoov by Gael Langevin
- Tabby by OS Vehicle
- Faraday Motion
- Open Curiosity
- Ultrascope by Open Space Agency
- Sunzilla