

Published on Oct 31, 2017

Could artificial intelligence create the headlines of tomorrow? News flash: it's already happening! It's time to look at the world of automated news. Would you put your trust in a robo-journalist?

Could A.I. write a novel like Hemingway? | Salman Rushdie

Published on Dec 18, 2017

Author and public intellectual Salman Rushdie knows his way around a good word or two. It's made him one of the most celebrated and widely-read authors of the last 50 years. But he has an open mind that one day a machine might be able to emulate him. He remembers an era not too long ago where people were deriding computer chess programs, saying that they would never beat grandmaster human players. It only took a couple of decades until those that chided the chess AI had to eat crow, Salman posits, so why should writing be any different? Salman Rushdie's latest book is The Golden House.