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  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Definitions
  3. Robot Learning, Georgia Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  4. Machine Learning Associates Inc., helps companies develop new data-driven products and services, California, USA
  5. Google Brain, deep learning research project, Google Inc., Mountain View, California, USA
  6. Project Adam, Microsoft Research, Redmond, Washington, USA
  7. SOINN (Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network), unsupervised online-learning method, Hasegawa Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan
  8. Platform for Interactive Concept Learning (PICL), Machine Teaching Group, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA
  9. Azure Machine Learning, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA
  10. Machine teaching, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA
  11. TensorFlow, open source software machine learning library, Google Inc., Mountain View, California, USA
  12. Microsoft Project Oxford, Artificial Intelligence APIs for developers, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA
  13. GraphLab Create, machine learning framework, Turi Inc., Seattle, Washington, USA
  14. DMLC for Scalable and Reliable Machine Learning
  15. Machine learning dataset for researchers, Yahoo Inc., Sunnyvale, California, USA
  16. Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, open source deep learning toolkit, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA
  17. Baxter robots, learning to think, see, and cook, Maryland Robotics Center, College Park, USA
  18. Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington, USA
  19. CaffeOnSpark, artificial intelligence engine for researchers, developers and competitors, Yahoo Inc., Sunnyvale, California, USA
  20. Nervana Cloud, platform for deep learning, Intel Nervana, San Diego, California, USA
  21. Aerosolve, open source machine learning package built for humans
  22. Cloud-based robot grasping with the google object recognition engine, Google Inc., Mountain View, California, USA
  23. Blog "Machine Learning (Theory)"
  24. Google Cloud Machine Learning, Google Inc., Mountain View, California, USA
  25. Machine learning algorithms by pushing the frontiers of neuroscience
  26. Theano, numerical computation library, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  27. Amazon Machine Learning
  28. AI and Data Science, Nvidia Corporation, Santa Clara, California, USA
  29. Book "Machine Learning Yearning", Andrew Ng, 2016
  30. Torch, open source machine learning library
  31. Crowd teach robots language, Morphology, Evolution & Cognition Laboratory, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA
  32. Loop Q, cognitive computing platform, Loop AI Labs, San Francisco, California, USA
  33. Intelligent Processing Unit, processor for machine learning, Graphcore Ltd, Bristol, United Kingdom
  34. PaddlePaddle, open deep learning platform for enterprise and research, Baidu, Inc., Beijing, China
  35. Brain Builder SDK, deep learning software, Neurala LLC, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  36. Book "Deep Learning", Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, December 9, 2016
  37. Machine Learning Conference, USA
  38. GOAL-Robots project, Europe
  39. Caffe, deep learning framework, Berkeley Vision and Learning Center, Berkeley, California, USA
  40. A.I. Experiments, exploring machine learning by playing with pictures, language, music, code, and more, Google Inc., Mountain View, California, USA
  41. [Coursera] Neural Networks for Machine Learning — Geoffrey Hinton 2016
  42. neon, open source deep learning framework, Intel Nervana, San Diego, California, USA
  43. Chainer, deep learning open source framework, Preferred Networks, Inc., Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  44. MXNet, open-source deep learning framework
  45. Deeplearning4j, commercial-grade, open-source, distributed deep-learning library
  46. Keras, python deep learning library
  47. Gluon, deep learning library
  48. Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX), format for deep learning models
  49. PyTorch, deep learning framework
  50. Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence, Pinterest, San Francisco, California, USA
  51. Apple Machine Learning Journal, Apple Inc., Cupertino, California, USA
  52. Lifelong Learning Machines, DARPA, USA
  53. MLPerf, set of benchmarks for evaluating the performance of AI tools
  54. Machine Learning Mastery, making developers awesome at machine learning, Vermont, Victoria, USA
  55. "Neural Networks and Deep Learning", free online textbook, Michael Nielsen
  56. ReAgent, applied reinforcement learning platform, Meta Platforms, Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA
  57. MLPerf
  58. MLCommons