View Full Version : Stanford Bio-X, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA

10th June 2015, 03:44
Website - biox.stanford.edu (https://biox.stanford.edu)

Director - Carla Shatz (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?12203)

Member - David Lentink (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?t=10805)

10th June 2015, 03:46
Stanford report
"Fly-catching robot developed by Stanford scientists speeds biomedical research (https://news.stanford.edu/news/2015/may/flies-robot-inspector-052515.html)"
A team of Stanford Bio-X scientists has created a robot that expands the scope of biomedical research that can be carried out with a common laboratory organism – fruit flies. The tool both speeds existing research and opens new fields of study.

by Amy Adams
May 25, 2015

10th June 2015, 03:48

Robot handling live fruit flies used in science experiments

Uploaded on May 28, 2015

A team led by Mark Schnitzer, an associate professor of biology and of applied physics at Stanford, has created a robot that can visually inspect awake fruit flies and carry out behavioral experiments that were impossible with anesthetized flies.

10th June 2015, 03:49

Robot catches fruit flies

Published on Jun 6, 2015

Stanford Bio-X scientists created a robot that can catch, visually inspect and carry out behavioral experiments with live fruit flies (Drosophila).

Credit: Stanford University
Dexterous robotic manipulation of alert adult Drosophila for high-content experimentation
Joan Savall, Eric Tatt Wei Ho, Cheng Huang, Jessica R Maxey & Mark J Schnitzer
Nature Methods (2015) doi:10.1038/nmeth.3410