View Full Version : Xian'er, robot monk, Beijing, China

22nd April 2016, 21:41
Creator - master Xianfan

22nd April 2016, 21:43
Article "Meet Xian'er the robo-monk: Humanoid has a 'shaved' head, chants Buddhist mantras and chats to visitors (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3553062/Robot-monk-blends-science-Buddhism-Chinese-temple.html)"
The 2ft-tall (60cm) robot resembles a cartoon-like novice monk
It is dressed in yellow robes with a shaven head, holding a touchscreen
Xian'er can hold a conversation by answering questions about Buddhism
It 'lives' at Longquan temple in Beijing and spends its day 'meditating'

by Victoria Woollaston
April 22, 2016

22nd April 2016, 21:44

Adorable robot monk hopes to spread Buddhism to more people

Published on Apr 22, 2016

Longquan temple says the robot monk can sing Buddhist chants, move via voice-command, and hold a simple conversation.

28th April 2016, 22:02

China: Meet Xian’er, the Buddhist monk ROBOT that teaches ancient wisdom

Published on Apr 27, 2016

Xian’er, the chubby new-age Buddhist robot, interacted with visitors speaking his centuries-old wisdom at Beijing's Longquan Buddhist Temple, Wednesday.

SOT, Ven. Xianshu, Buddhist monk (Mandarin): "The robot monk was strictly speaking the idea of our Master Xuecheng, and he hoped to combine Buddhism, which is an ancient practice, with modern technology."

SOT, Ven. Xianshu, Buddhist monk (Mandarin): "What we first provided was an idea. We wanted to use a robot to inspire the public to do good deeds. We want the robot to serve the public. This idea was highly appreciated and recognised by both entrepreneurs and scientists."

SOT, Ven. Xianran, Buddhist monk (Mandarin): "People like this character, so gradually we upgraded the cartoons into a flash version, so it naturally followed that we had the idea to produce a physical model of Xian’er. But we thought it should be more than a statue, with certain functions such as human-machine dialogue and actions. It was a gradual process."

4th January 2017, 03:47

Robot monk spreads Buddhist teachings in Beijing

Published on Jan 3, 2017

A robot made by a monk has been put to work helping visitors to a Beijing temple. The two-foot-tall robot, named Xian’er, can respond to voice commands and answer simple questions from tourists in Longquan Temple. Its creator, Master Xianshu, regards it as a modern means of spreading the teachings of the Buddha. CGTN's Tang Bo has more.