View Full Version : Arpeggio, Piano Playing SuperDroid, Majestic Piano Works, Agoura, California, USA

13th April 2017, 10:22
Business Owner and Creator - Nicholas Morris (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-morris-8941aa39)

Website - pianosoftware.com (http://pianosoftware.com)

vimeo.com/allportmasterworks (https://vimeo.com/allportmasterworks)

facebook.com/ArpeggioPianoSuperDroid (https://www.facebook.com/ArpeggioPianoSuperDroid)

twitter.com/denisemorris29 (https://twitter.com/denisemorris29)

13th April 2017, 10:29


Introducing Arpeggio the Piano SuperDroid

Published on Jun 16, 2015

Arpeggio is a Robotic Piano performing system that plays like a human virtuoso pianist.

He is capable of aligning himself in front of a piano with precision controlled movement and has the ability to play the keyboard as well and pedals with human touch and emotion.

Arpeggio is equipped with advanced robotics and the ultimate reproducing player piano system, the Live Performance model LX.

Arpeggio's repertoire consists of a broad range of styles, from the classics to jazz and contemporary to just about any style of music available.

Arpeggio is a performer and entertainer like no other. Regardless of the occasion, he is the life of the party. Arpeggio is not a player piano he is a Piano player.

Earl Wild (November 26, 1915 – January 23, 2010) was an American pianist, renowned as a leading virtuoso of his generation. Harold C. Schonberg called him a "super-virtuoso in the Horowitz class".[1] He was well known for his transcriptions of classical music and jazz, and he was also a composer.

Creator: Nick Morris
Director: Christopher M. Allport
Composer of Arpeggio's Theme: Federico Vaona

"Majestic Piano Works excites the Piano Industry with a new innovative design-Arpeggio, the Piano Playing SuperDroid! (http://pianosoftware.com/piano-superdroid-press-release)"

June 15, 2015