View Full Version : Chatbots, Collect.chat Inc., Kozhikode, Kerala, India

7th May 2020, 03:30
Developer - Collect.chat Inc. (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?t=21982)

developers.collect.chat (https://developers.collect.chat)

Playlist "Creating a Chatbot for Website | Chatbot Tutorials from Collect.chat (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxs9y-LsUJA1tpVwbs_v4gEk8fDTwWTuo)"

7th May 2020, 03:32

Chatbots from Collect.chat - Overview

Jul 19, 2019

If you own a website, it is high time you added a chatbot to your website. Having a chat with each and every customer is not easy. And most of the queries are repeating. So how can you solve this problem with sacrificing customer experience?

Then answer is simple-to-use, design-friendly conversational bots that you can install on any website through a single copy-paste.

Introducing chatbots from Collect.chat. You add the chatbot as a widget or embed them inside your blogs or even design a complete conversational landing page.

Keep your visitors engaged and learn what they are looking for. Collect data on the go and get instant notifications. Conversational Marketing is the next frontier.