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2nd October 2013, 22:24

Wearable Computing: the Next Generation of 'Borg

Published on Aug 29, 2011

(April 1, 2011) Thad Starner reviews the greatest hits of wearable computing and describes an unusual and surprising application currently being explored at Georgia Tech, where Starner is an Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Computing.

17th April 2014, 00:40
Article "A Wearables Startup Playbook (https://techcrunch.com/2014/04/12/a-playbook-for-entrepreneurs-of-wearables-and-connected-devices)"

by Tim Chang
April 12, 2014

17th April 2014, 00:49
Article "Google Patents Tiny Cameras Embedded In Contact Lenses (https://techcrunch.com/2014/04/14/google-patents-tiny-cameras-embedded-in-contact-lenses)"

by Darrell Etherington
April 14, 2014

3rd May 2014, 12:24
Article "Amazon now has a dedicated wearables store (https://www.engadget.com/2014/04/29/amazon-now-has-a-dedicated-wearables-store)"

by Sean Buckley
April 29, 2014

25th May 2014, 04:01
Article "Plantronics announces new Wearables,Voyager Edge Bluetooth headset and BackBeat FIT headphones (https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/gadgets/plantronics-voyager-edge-bluetooth-headset-and-backbeat-fit-launch)"

by Tech Desk
May 23, 2014

Plantronics, Inc. (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?6808)

25th May 2014, 05:44
Article "Will World-Class Designer Ivy Ross Save Google Glass? (https://www.fool.com/investing/general/2014/05/22/will-world-class-designer-ivy-ross-save-google-gla.aspx)"

by Fani Kelesidou
May 22, 2014

Google Glass (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?3370)

25th May 2014, 06:03
Article "Meet the godfather of wearables (https://www.theverge.com/2014/5/6/5661318/the-wizard-alex-pentland-father-of-the-wearable-computer)"

by Maria Konnikova
May 6, 2014

25th May 2014, 06:54
Article "Could wearable tech read minds to sell ads? (https://www.cnet.com/news/could-wearable-tech-read-minds-to-sell-ads)"
Maker of brain-scanning tech says wearables like Google Glass could evolve to monitor brain signals and sell you toothpaste.

by Chris Matyszczyk
May 21, 2014

25th May 2014, 07:07
Article "Fitbit rules 50 percent of the world's wearable market (https://www.cnet.com/news/fitbit-rules-50-percent-of-the-worlds-wearable-market)"
The recent recall of the Fitbit Force over skin irritations appears to have no bearing on the wearable's sales momentum.

by Dara Kerr
May 21, 2014

2nd June 2014, 10:46

Moto 360, Google Glass and iWatch: When will wearables go mainstream?

Published on Jun 2, 2014

Wearable tech is here, but that's not to say everyone's on board yet. Could the Moto 360 and iWatch be the devices to finally push wearables into the mainstream?

4th July 2014, 23:40

Touch Screens of the Future

Published on May 28, 2014

Carnegie Mellon's Chris Harrison demonstrates TouchTools and TapSense, tablet apps he built to explore new ways of that people might interact with screens in the future.

Article "Wearable Computers Will Transform Language (https://spectrum.ieee.org/consumer-electronics/portable-devices/wearable-computers-will-transform-language)"

Smart clothes and accessories will let us share thoughts and sensations as well as words

by Ariel Bleicher
May 28, 2014

19th August 2014, 22:53
"Wearable device adoption is growing, but engagement still drops after six months (https://www.mobihealthnews.com/35697/wearable-device-adoption-is-growing-but-engagement-still-drops-after-six-months)"

by Aditi Pai
August 12, 2014

27th August 2014, 18:48
Article "Misfit Wearables hires Apple iPad co-inventor Josh Banko as VP of hardware (https://www.mobihealthnews.com/35523/misfit-wearables-hires-apple-ipad-co-inventor-josh-banko-as-vp-of-hardware)"

by Aditi Pai
August 6, 2014

27th August 2014, 18:49
Article "When Wearable Health Trackers Meet Your Doctor (https://techcrunch.com/2014/08/06/wearable-health-trackers-should-you-show-your-doctor)"

by Ben Heubl
August 6, 2014

29th August 2014, 11:57

Published on Aug 29, 2014

Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of wearables, from watches to woolly wares. The team look forward to the big trend at this year's IFA.

8th September 2014, 11:46
Article "ABI: 100M remote patient monitoring wearables to ship in next 5 years (https://www.mobihealthnews.com/36299/abi-100m-remote-patient-monitoring-wearables-to-ship-in-next-5-years)"

by Aditi Pai
September 4, 2014

22nd January 2015, 00:12

The Future of Wearable Technology - CES 2015

Published on Jan 21, 2015

Wearable technology (aka “wearables”) has gone from a buzzword to an entire industry over the course of only a few years. Numerous wearables were on display at CES 2015 in Las Vegas – and we got our hands (and arms, feet, heads…) on a bunch of them! From athletics to relaxation, we look at what CES has to offer.

25th January 2015, 01:54
Article "The Entire History Of The Smartwatch And Fitness-Band Market In One Infographic (https://www.businessinsider.com/the-smartwatch-and-fitness-band-market-2015-1)"

by Tony Danova
January 22, 2015

27th January 2015, 14:05
Article "Ring ring, it's your watch calling (https://www.cnet.com/news/ring-ring-its-your-watch-calling-att-bets)"
On paper, it doesn't make sense for smartwatches to have their own independent connection. But AT&T is working to make sure it's in the mix when it comes to wearables.

by Roger Cheng
January 24, 2015

11th March 2015, 14:11

Posture-correcting wearables

Published on Mar 11, 2015

Wearable gadgets have become a serious trend, especially with the rising popularity of smartwatches. There are also wearables to help track your fitness, health and now even posture. In this Tech Minute, CNET's Kara Tsuboi reports on a handful of the best posture-correcting devices on the market.

17th March 2015, 04:57

IEEE @ SXSW 2015 - Biometrics & Identity: Beyond Wearable

Published on Mar 16, 2015

From mobile devices to wearable gear, the increasingly ergonomic, small, lightweight, body conscious, attachable, controllable and comfortable devices we use are becoming physical extensions of ourselves. From phone to Fitbit, as we become more dependent on these devices, our comfort level with the capture and use of our intimate personal data increases. However, will we become comfortable using our biometric and genomic data to digitally unlock our everyday lives -- from car to communications, home security to banking, healthcare to services? We are moving beyond wearables, to an age where products like Biyo, which connects physical payment to a scan of the unique veins in the human palm, are becoming present market realities. John C. Havens (Author), Dr. Leslie Saxon (USC Center for Body Computing) and Heather Schlegel (Futurist) discussed the implications of using personal biometric data as the virtual keys that unlock our very real lives, and how we feel about using such sensitive, personal data as a means of self-identification during a standing-room only panel session at SXSW 2015.

18th March 2015, 16:02

Fitness Trackers vs. Smartphones: Why Wearables Win

Published on Mar 18, 2015

Brent Rose debunks a study claiming smartphones are as good as wearables at tracking activity. From the Fitbit Charge HR to the iPhone 6, Brent's stress tests uncover compelling results that demonstrate why wearables with heart rate monitors win.

27th April 2015, 05:09
Article "Lawyer Wants Apple, Google, and Samsung to Fund Campaign Against Wearables While Driving (https://www.androidheadlines.com/2015/04/lawyer-wants-apple-google-and-samsung-to-fund-campaign-against-wearables-while-driving.html)"

by Kishalaya Kundu
April 22, 2015

29th May 2015, 20:43

Weird wearables

Published on May 29, 2015

The odd thing about wearables is that companies actually expect you to be seen using them. These are some of the stranger wearable devices that have popped up over time.

13th June 2015, 01:07
Article "A Periodic Table Of Wearable Technology (https://techcrunch.com/2015/06/10/a-periodic-table-of-wearable-technology)"

by Brian Ballard
June 10, 2015

14th June 2015, 03:45
Article "Stretchy wearable sensors can tell when you're about to get sunburnt (https://mashable.com/archive/stretchy-wearable-sensor-rmit)"

by Ariel Bogle
June 12, 2015

15th July 2015, 22:56

New wearables want to change how you feel

Published on Jul 15, 2015

Wearables are one of the biggest trends in the technology world right now. As CNET's Lexy Savvides reports, a new wave of devices want to do more than just monitor your heart rate: they aim to change the way you feel.

3rd October 2015, 13:41

Published on Mar 5, 2014

Steve Costello discusses this much-hyped sector with guests from ABI Research, Intel and Sony Mobile.

3rd October 2015, 13:42

Connected clothing can tell how soundly your baby is sleeping

Published on Feb 4, 2014

The Mimo baby monitor just started shipping for $199 and can capture information like a baby's position, his temperature and whether or not he's sleeping. Follow reporter Nick Barber on Twitter @nickjb.

3rd October 2015, 13:44

Wearable Tech Highlights: 2014 CES

Published on Jan 8, 2014

3rd October 2015, 13:45

Published on Dec 12, 2013

Uses synthesized tones with correct phase to convert sonar heading to intuitive sound localization

3rd October 2015, 13:47

Runners haptic GPS

Published on Nov 27, 2013

Runners who have moved to a new city may get lost trying to remember the route they carefully planned at home. Instead of stopping the run to pull out a phone, wait for the map to load, find where you are, and determine where you need to go, why not carry something that will automatically tell you where to go without interfering with your run? The GPS Running Watch is a personal GPS guidance device to help runners follow unfamiliar routes using an LCD display and haptic feedback. It guides the user along a path between preselected latitude/longitude waypoints by vibrating a small motor to indicate whether the waypoint is straight ahead, to the left, or to the right. You can stop worrying about losing your way home, and get back to enjoying your run.

3rd October 2015, 13:50

Introducing GEMMA - Tiny Wearable Microcontroller from Adafruit

Published on Oct 30, 2013

28th November 2015, 09:05

How To Choose the Best Wearable for The Holidays

Published on Nov 27, 2015

Buying a wearable these days is not easy. For starters this is one of those markets that has taken for ever to grow out of infancy. As a result we see companies approach the market differently, and bringing a lot of disparity to the offerings that you can choose. Still, we get questions every day on Twitter regarding the best smartwatch for important lifestyle needs like fitness, or simply the usefulness of notifications at a quick glance. The biggest problem is that even with all the offerings out there, you'd be shocked at how few of these products get both of these needs right. The ones that do, fail at other basics like battery life or other essentials. If you're on the ropes trying to decide which smartwatch is right for you this holiday season, hopefully this video can help you out.

We’ve got a ton of articles coming with the best deals all around, but just keep in mind that the cheapest deals are not necessarily the best value for your investment. If you plan to hold on to your purchase for the next few years, the best is that you choose the right product for your specific needs, and that’s what this video is for.

1st December 2015, 09:54

Wearable tech gifts for the holiday season

Published on Dec 1, 2015

From high-end smartwatches to the latest fitness trackers, there are more wearable tech options than ever for someone looking to get into shape or just stay connected. Here are our top picks for wearables this season.

12th January 2016, 19:14

Wearables that don't look terrible -- CES 2016

Published on Jan 11, 2016

The primary function of wearables is to help optimize your daily life. Unfortunately, that functionality often comes at the expense of design. The Verge’s Lauren Goode and Racked’s Nicola Fumo found three wrist-wearables at CES that don't look entirely terrible.

2nd November 2016, 21:57

Engineers develop new magnetic ink to print self-healing devices that heal in record time

Published on Nov 2, 2016

A team of engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed a magnetic ink that can be used to make self-healing batteries, electrochemical sensors and wearable, textile-based electrical circuits.

The key ingredient for the ink is microparticles oriented in a certain configuration by a magnetic field. Because of the way they’re oriented, particles on both sides of a tear are magnetically attracted to one another, causing a device printed with the ink to heal itself. The devices repair tears as wide as 3 millimeters—a record in the field of self-healing systems.

Researchers detail their findings in the Nov. 2 issue of Science Advances.

"Engineers Develop New Magnetic Ink to Print Self-Healing Devices That Heal in Record Time (https://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/pressrelease/engineers_develop_new_magnetic_ink_to_print_self_healing_devices_that_heal)"

by Ioana Patringenaru
November 2, 2016

6th September 2017, 14:53

FitBit, Samsung, and why apps will save wearables (IFA 2017)

Published on Sep 6, 2017

27th June 2023, 21:50
Article "I Went to Bed With a Robot to Get Better Sleep. This Is What Happened (https://www.cnet.com/health/sleep/i-went-to-bed-with-a-robot-to-get-better-sleep-this-is-what-happened)"
I used an AI-powered wearable to track my sleep and got a sleep routine through ChatGPT. Welcome to the future.

by Nasha Addarich Martínez (https://www.linkedin.com/in/nashalie-addarich)
June 23, 2023

15th December 2023, 00:53
Article "OpenAI, Meta, Microsoft Chase Wearable AI (https://www.theinformation.com/articles/tech-giants-chase-wearable-ai)"

by Erin Woo (https://www.linkedin.com/in/erinkwoo), Jon Victor (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jon-victor-923489111) and Anissa Gardizy (https://www.linkedin.com/in/anissa-g-123a6612b)
December 14, 2023