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29th January 2013, 14:47


Published on Jul 13, 2012

24th May 2014, 09:24

Sex with Robots

Published on May 19, 2014

A new survey has found that one in five people in the U.K would be willing to have sex with a robot.

46% of those surveyed admitting that they'd either get under the covers with a sex robot or not judge those who choose to. This isn't a uniquely U.K. trend, though: Sex between live humans has been steadily sloping downwards in numerous countries around the world, including Japan, where nearly half of women aged 16-24 are "not interested in or despise sexual contact."

Would you have sex with a robot? Comment below and share!

28th July 2014, 20:56
Article "Will robot orgasms make actual sex obsolete? (https://www.salon.com/2014/07/28/will_robot_orgasms_make_actual_sex_obsolete/)"
Teledildonic technology -- otherwise known as computer-aided sex toys -- could change intimacy as we know it

by Jenny Kutner
July 28, 2014

7th December 2014, 15:31

Robot Sex - Are people really having sex with robots?

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2008

From Frankenstein to Weird Science, from Blade Runner to Battlestar Galactica, humans have long been fascinated with the possibility of emotional relationships with their technological creations. But is robot sex around the corner? Well, David Levy, a British artificial intelligence researcher says the reality may not be that far off.

In his book, Love and Sex with Robots, Levy predicts that within a few decades, robots will be so humanlike in appearance, functionality, and expression that people will start falling in love, having sex, and even marrying them. And, they wont all be made of cold hard steel.

Researchers at Tufts University have launched a multidisciplinary initiative focused on the science and engineering of a new class of robots that are completely soft-bodied. Not for sex, they hope the devices will help make advances in areas such as medicine and space exploration.

In the meantime, Micheal Harriman, a German aircraft mechanic claims to have created the world's most sophisticated robot sex dolls. The lifelike sex androids even have 'hearts' that beat harder during sex.

Taking things even further, Gizmodo recently interviewed a 33 year old man from Georgia who claims to have married his robot girlfriend, Alice.

Love is blind and, apparently, rechargeable.

7th December 2014, 15:34

Loving a Sex Robot: Insanity or reality?

Uploaded on Feb 4, 2012

A perfect partner who's always happy and never complains, is apparently now a reality. But there's a catch - he or she is likely be made of plastic. From simple dolls to sophisticated robots, they seem to be winning the hearts and minds of people who've given up on finding true love. Gayane Chichakyan has more from the world of the synthetic spouse.

28th January 2015, 02:11

Japanese Sex Doll Industry Reaches New Levels

Published on Aug 15, 2014

The Japanese sex doll industry is reaching new levels with the release of a new line of dolls, which claims to be more genuine than ever. The dolls, which are made of rubber and silicon, were described in a video as having realistic feeling skin and authentic looking eyes and hair. We look at video of the synthetic partners, in this Lip News clip with Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel.

4th February 2015, 17:55

Sex Robots Of The Future

Published on Dec 29, 2014

Sex robots may very soon be part of normal life for many people. A pretty cool and equally creepy depiction of what a futuristic female ‘sex robot’ might look like on the inside was recently created by a French artist.

Watch the video for a clip of an even creepier stripper robot dancing.

24th February 2015, 23:07

Cheating with somebody else’s sex robot

Published on Feb 18, 2015

9th March 2015, 06:04

Robotic Sex Slaves: Will AI Robots Have Consciousness, Rights, Souls?

Published on Nov 28, 2014

The biggest questions about robotics and artificial intelligence are moral questions. Bill Whittle, Glenn Reynolds, Dave Swindle & Scott Ott take them on.

24th May 2015, 01:32

WKUK Sex Robot

Published on Jun 20, 2013

The Whitest Kids U'Know

4th July 2015, 12:51
Article "Why robot sex could be the future of life on earth (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/10584380/Why-robot-sex-could-be-the-future-of-life-on-earth.html)"
If self-replicating machines are the next stage of human evolution, should we start worrying?

by George Zarkadakis
January 20, 2014

15th July 2015, 23:27

Elmo and tigger sex

Uploaded on Dec 10, 2005

when kids idols get randy!

15th July 2015, 23:38

Published on Feb 12, 2014

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and love is all around us. In the future, will humans and robots fall in love with each other and develop romantic relationships? It's a popular theme in science fiction, but some experts believe this could become a reality within our lifetime. Why are human-robot relationships so inevitable, and what are the consequences? What kind of gift would you get a robot on Valentine's Day?

What is the most romantic, geeky gesture you have ever made to someone to let them know how you feel? Share your story in the comments below!

15th July 2015, 23:40
Article "Love machines From Pygmalion to Bladerunner, we keep falling for our robot creations. But then, what else is AI good for? (https://aeon.co/essays/the-lure-of-ai-is-erotic-as-much-as-it-is-rational)"

by George Zarkadakis (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?4881)
March 26, 2013

14th August 2015, 02:43

Robot sex pioneers - CONAN on TBS

Published on Aug 13, 2015

Scientists predict sex with robots will be common in 50 years. Here's to the brave men who paved the way to this glorious future.

3rd October 2015, 18:40

Sex will make VR "happen"

Published on Oct 3, 2015

Virtual Reality is becoming more and more prominent, with several companies working to create headsets, games, features, and even its own award show! But will really take VR to the masses? Porn. And lots of it!

Kim Horcher discusses with special guest Anastasia Washington!

9th October 2015, 18:23
Article "The Questions We're Not Asking About Sex Robots (https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/robots/a17357/there-is-now-a-campaign-against-sex-robots)"
The future is going to force us to answer some uncomfortable questions about love and machines.

by John Wenz
September 16, 2015

9th October 2015, 18:25
Article "Who's Sweating the Sexbots? (https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/09/the-sex-robots-arent-coming-for-our-relationships/407509)"
While sex robots do reflect troubling gender dynamics, they hardly doom humanity to a future of exploitation and empty relationships.

by Julie Beck
September 30, 2015

9th October 2015, 18:29
"The Future of Sex: The Rise of the Robosexuals (http://graphics.bondara.com/Future_sex_report.pdf)"
A Futurizon Report

by Ian Pearson
September 2015

9th October 2015, 21:23
Article "Rise of the ROBOSEXUALS: Humans will have virtual reality sex by 2030 and droid trysts will be more popular than human love-making in 2050, expert predicts (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3260458/Rise-ROBOSEXUALS-Humans-virtual-reality-sex-2030-droid-trysts-popular-human-love-making-2050-expert-predicts.html)"
Futurologist predicts robot sex could become a reality in just 10 years
Bondara report claims robots will be more popular than human sex in 2050
Predicts most people will use virtual reality tech in the bedroom in 2035
This means they could see different partners or improve their appearance

by Sarah Griffiths
October 5, 2015

14th December 2015, 04:48
Article "Sex, love and robots: is this the end of intimacy? (https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/dec/13/sex-love-and-robots-the-end-of-intimacy)"
Can’t find a partner? Don’t worry, the ‘sexbot’, programmed to meet all your desires, is on its way. Eva Wiseman explores the troubling world of sex robots

by Eva Wiseman
December 13, 2015

8th January 2016, 00:00

After hours: CES 2016 sex tech

Published on Jan 7, 2016

Sex tech is big at CES and we're finding out why.


After Hours Best Sex Tech live from the stage CES 2016

Published on Jan 9, 2016

17th February 2016, 22:58
Article "Sex robots are SEXIST: Feminist says 'brutal' love machines will turn men into misogynist monsters (https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/sex-robots-sexist-feminist-says-7373559)"
Campaigners claim the arrival of bonk bots will ruin relationships by making pervy men think women are nothing more than sex objects

by Jasper Hamill
February 15, 2016

22nd February 2016, 15:34
Article "Symbols and their Consequences in the Sex Robot Debate (https://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/danaher2016021)"

by John Danaher
February 21, 2016

18th April 2016, 16:14

How to Make VR Porn | OOO with Brent Rose

Published on Apr 18, 2016

It’s been reported that porn will be one of the biggest content offerings driving demand for VR. But what actually goes into making the porn experience full dimensional and real for the viewer? Brent Rose goes on set of a VR porn production shoot to find out how porn is evolving with new technology.

22nd April 2016, 17:59

The Kissing App "Kissenger" - The Gadget Show

Published on Apr 22, 2016

Amy and Jason head to London City University to try out some sensory stimulating tech - including the prototype 'Kissenger' app.

28th May 2016, 20:50
Article "Amsterdam sex robot BROTHEL 'will help prevent human trafficking and spread of STDs (https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/amsterdam-sex-robot-brothel-will-8070584)'"

by Keyan Milanian
May 28, 2016

13th July 2016, 02:09

All-Nighter: robot sex toy

Published on May 23, 2013

The gang is introduced to a robot that's so sexy it's scary and then stops being sexy.

13th July 2016, 02:10

Would you have a romantic relationship with a robot?

Published on Sep 8, 2016

As robots become ever more advanced, at what point will having a romantic relationship with a robot be the norm?

With every passing year robots and artificial intelligence become more life-like and more sophisticated. But how does that affect romance? Experts are predicting that within the next 20-40 years we’ll see the first relationship bots hit store shelves, and that got us wondering… at what point will a relationship with a robot be the considered cheating?

1st October 2016, 20:05
"WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE... Sex robot cafe to open in London after entrepreneur reveals his ‘fellatio cafe’ will staffed entirely by cyborgs (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1892253/entrepreneur-says-londons-fellatio-cafe-will-be-staffed-entirely-by-sex-robots)"
Businessman Bradley Charvet plans to open the randy coffee shop in Paddington

by Mark Hodge
October 1, 2016

3rd October 2016, 21:00
Article "What Would It Take for a Sex Robot to Pass a Turing Test? (https://jezebel.com/what-would-it-take-for-a-sex-robot-to-pass-a-turing-tes-1787351985)"

by Tina Horn
October 3, 2016

21st October 2016, 01:23

Making the world's first male sex doll

Published on Oct 20, 2016

In Slutever, VICE's resident sexpert Karley Sciortino explores the mysterious labyrinth of human sexuality and checks out the various ways that people around the world like to get off. In the premiere episode of Slutever's brand new season, Karley finds herself in the world of life-like custom male sex dolls and meets the team pioneering the perfect plastic fuck buddy for women.

21st October 2016, 01:35

Technology hasn't changed love. Here's why | Helen Fisher

Published on Oct 20, 2016

In our tech-driven, interconnected world, we've developed new ways and rules to court each other, but the fundamental principles of love have stayed the same, says anthropologist Helen Fisher. In this energetic tell-all from the front lines of love, learn how our faster connections are actually leading to slower, more intimate relationships. Watch to the end for a lively discussion with love expert Esther Perel.

28th October 2016, 19:06
Article "Should we protect artificial intelligence from sexual harassment? (https://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/technology/2016/10/should-we-protect-artificial-intelligence-sexual-harassment)"
Should anything be done to stop people sending sexually explicit messages to their AI personal assistants?

by Amelia Tait
October 27, 2016

29th October 2016, 13:33

Inside the controversial world of medically assisted sex: Slutever

Published on Oct 27, 2016

For people with physical disabilities, issues with sexual function, or a total lack of experience, the path to getting off can be isolating and just plain awkward. However, a group of sex surrogates have pioneered a radical hands-on approach called "medically assisted sexuality" to help fulfill the intimacy needs of people with handicaps.

In this episode of 'Slutever,' host Karley Sciortino investigates this culturally taboo therapeutic treatment, and meets the clients and practitioners straddling the line between therapy and sex work.

12th November 2016, 17:32

The Pussy Grabs Back Machine by Simone Giertz (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?13108)

Published on Nov 12, 2016

15th December 2016, 23:20

VR porn: Weird, wonderful and creepy facts about Virtual Reality grumble

Published on Dec 15, 2016

VR porn is still a young industry but is already proving popular online, with sites like VRPorn.com offering free VR videos and games to satisfy its users. We take a look at the history of VR porn, as well as the future of virtual reality smut, taking in some weird and interesting facts along the way.

23rd December 2016, 01:34
Article "The first robot-human marriage will take place before 2050, as droids become more attractive than humans (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4051788/The-robot-human-marriage-place-2050-droids-attractive-humans.html)"
An expert has said we will marry robots before 2050, at a robot sex conference
He also thinks sex with robots will be more enjoyable than with other humans
Comments were made by Dr David Levy, author of 'Love and Sex with Robots'

by Abigail Beall
December 20, 2016

23rd December 2016, 19:54
Article "Sex Robots May Literally Fuck Us to Death (https://gizmodo.com/sex-robots-may-literally-fuck-us-to-death-1790276123)"

by Bryan Menegus
December 19, 2016

28th December 2016, 04:36
Article "French woman wants to marry a robot as expert predicts sex robots to become preferable to humans (https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/sex/french-woman-wants-to-marry-a-robot-as-expert-predicts-sex-robots-to-become-preferable-to-humans/news-story/fa40fc51a55564627589e80d3a527059)"

by Victoria Craw
December 23, 2016

4th February 2017, 10:54

AVN 2017: Cam girls & holograms

Published on Jan 27, 2017

Article "Porn doesn't need a XXX hologram (https://www.engadget.com/2017/01/27/porn-doesnt-need-a-xxx-hologram)"
CamSoda awakened Pepper’s Ghost, but live streaming might be the industry's only hope.

by Christopher Trout
January 27, 2017

15th May 2017, 20:14
Article "This porn bot uses Microsoft AI to watch and interpret Pornhub… all day long (https://thenextweb.com/shareables/2017/03/03/porn-bot-microsoft-ai-pornhub)"

by MIX
March 3, 2017

twitter.com/robotpornaddict (https://twitter.com/robotpornaddict)

5th September 2017, 11:34

Can robots love us?

Published on Sep 4, 2017

James Young explores whether robots can connect with us emotionally as well as physically, from our therapists to our companions or even our partners. Can robots love us?

6th September 2017, 14:55

VR porn is here, but does anyone care? | Computer Love

Published on Sep 6, 2017

Engadget Editor-in-Chief Christopher Trout returns to Kink VR two years after its debut to see how the porn studio’s virtual reality efforts have panned out. Through interviews with industry experts like Cam4VR’s Ela Darling and Naughty America’s Ian Paul, he’ll find an industry still waiting for a big breakthrough.

12th January 2018, 07:40

Duran Duran - Electric Barbarella

Published on Feb 26, 2009

Music video by Duran Duran performing Electric Barbarella.

1st February 2018, 09:21

Facial recognition programs are being used for porn

Published on Jan 31, 2018

The future is terrifying!!!! Kim & John Iadarola break it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

"Earlier this week, we reported on a subreddit called "deepfakes," a growing community of redditors who create fake porn videos of celebrities using existing video footage and a machine learning algorithm. This algorithm is able to take the face of a celebrity from a publicly available video and seamlessly paste it onto the body of a porn performer. Often, the resulting videos are nearly indecipherable from reality. It’s done through a free, user-friendly app called FakeApp.

One of the worst-case uses of this technology raised by computer scientists and ethicists I talked to is already happening. People are talking about, and in some cases actively using, this app to create fake porn videos of people they know in real life—friends, casual acquaintances, exes, classmates—without their permission."

13th February 2018, 22:45

Mathematics and sex | Clio Cresswell | TEDxSydney

Published on Jun 10, 2014

Mathematics and sex are deeply intertwined. From using mathematics to reveal patterns in our sex lives, to using sex to prime our brain for certain types of problems, to understanding them both in terms of the evolutionary roots of our brain, Dr Clio Cresswell shares her insight into it all.

Dr Clio Cresswell is a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at The University of Sydney researching the evolution of mathematical thought and the role of mathematics in society. Born in England, she spent part of her childhood on a Greek island, and was then schooled in the south of France where she studied Visual Art. At eighteen she simultaneously discovered the joys of Australia and mathematics, following on to win the University Medal and complete a PhD in mathematics at The University of New South Wales. Communicating mathematics is her field and passion. Clio has appeared on panel shows commenting, debating and interviewing; authored book reviews and opinion pieces; joined breakfast radio teams and current affair programs; always there highlighting the mathematical element to our lives. She is author of Mathematics and Sex.

22nd April 2018, 15:19

The future of sex? | Sex robots and us

Published on Apr 8, 2018

Cyborg presenter James Young journey’s across the world to meet the makers and users of sex robots who have plans for a Westworld future where sex bots live amongst us.
In Barcelona, James visits Dr Sergi Santos and his wife Maritza, creators of one of the world’s most advanced sex robots and the answer, they suggest, to many couple’s miss-matched libido. Sergei tests out his latest robot and James finds out how Maritza copes with Sergei using the dolls himself.

Elsewhere in Barcelona James also finds simple versions of the robots, not yet fitted with AI, being used in a brothel and visits a professional sex toy tester who tries out one of the latest male sex dolls to hit the market.

Back in the UK, James visits Sergei’s business partner Arran who has been demo’ing a Samantha robot in a sex shop near Liverpool. Arran tells James about his latest plan - to offer his sex robots to elderly people’s homes.

In Japan, James meets two of the most human-like robots to have been created before discovering a darker side to the sex robot industry when he visits a factory mass-producing ultra-realistic dolls.

So do we really want sex robots in our lives?

7th August 2018, 23:03

Why sexy robots are taking over the Internet | Internetting Season 2

Published on Aug 7, 2018

From digital helpmates like Siri to computer-generated models like Lil Miquela, feminized tech is all around us. Are actual human women starting to look a little bit unreal?

10th January 2019, 09:09
Now the manufacturer of TPE real doll or silicone love dolls are turning into the sex robot, what will the future robots be like, can they replace real human and be a partner of our life time?

24th April 2019, 02:20

The sex doll (https://www.24buydoll.com/) here is real intelligence and a great advancement in sex toys

22nd June 2019, 15:45

Sex robots: The truth behind the headlines | Kate Devlin (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?t=20772) | TEDxRoma

Published on Jun 22, 2019

Sex robots are front page news: newspapers say they are threatening our relationships, opening a Westworld-like scenario, substituting women, spurring violence and encouraging the end of the human kind. In fact they are much more than that and they represent a turning point for both technology and human relationships and not necessarily in a negative way.

27th June 2019, 22:47
Article "New AI deepfake app creates nude images of women in seconds (https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/27/18760896/deepfake-nude-ai-app-women-deepnude-non-consensual-pornography)"
The resulting fakes could be used to shame, harass, and intimidate their targets

by James Vincent
June 27, 2019

30th July 2019, 16:49
Article "10 sex tech startups to look out for in 2019 and beyond (https://www.eu-startups.com/2019/07/10-sex-tech-startups-to-look-out-for-in-2019-and-beyond)"

by Bojana Trajkovska
July 12, 2019

30th July 2019, 20:17
Article "6 Sextech Products We Want to See at CES 2020 (https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a28480231/6-sextech-inventions-at-ces)"
From a medical cock ring that solves erectile dysfunction to an AI blowjob machine.

by Zachary Zane
July 24, 2019

30th July 2019, 20:18
Article "Couples can now record sex sessions and relive them through VR headsets (https://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/couples-can-now-record-sex-18799098)"
The Time Capsule System allows couples to record sex sessions and relive them in the future using virtual reality headsets

by Shivali Best
July 30, 2019

30th July 2019, 20:19
Article "Whitney Cummings Made A Sex Robot Of Herself (https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/07/239091/whitney-cummings-sex-robot-can-i-touch-it)"

by Erika W. Smith
July 30, 2019

7th September 2019, 14:47

Is my next Boyfriend a Machine? Love in the Age of Technology | Karolina Korth (https://www.linkedin.com/in/karolinakorth) | TEDxIEMadrid

Published on Sep 6, 2019

Karolina Korth in TEDxIEMadrid 2019 Karolina Korth is a trained psychologist with a passion for innovation and has over 10 years of experience in transformation in multinationals. She has a wealth of experience in corporate innovation and business development in healthcare and smart cities. Currently, she works as a Chief Digital Officer and Head of Strategy at Siemens Mobility in Spain where she defines and implements digital offerings on the cutting edge of mobility. Karolina is also a founder of Health 2.0 Kuala Lumpur and the FeMale Voice of Mobility – movement to empower women in male-dominated industries. She speaks regularly at conferences targeting digital transformation and gives lectures at business schools and universities.

14th September 2019, 01:02
Book "Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots (https://www.amazon.com/Turned-Science-Robots-Kate-Devlin/dp/1472950895)"

by Kate Devlin
December 18, 2018

11th October 2019, 22:05

How to build a sex tech startup with Cyan Banister, Cindy Gallop, and Lora Haddock

Oct 11, 2019

As the old adage goes, sex sells. A panel of investors and founders will discuss the opportunities — and challenges — of building a successful sex tech startup, and how to capitalize on a market that’s projected to be worth more than $123 billion by 2026.

5th November 2019, 02:59
Article "This AI can spot signs of human trafficking in online sex ads (https://www.fastcompany.com/90424645/how-image-recognition-ai-is-busting-sex-traffickers)"
Ex-military and intelligence pros are using computer vision to scan illicit sex ads and bust the pimps who enslave innocent women and girls.

by Sean Captain
November 4, 2019

29th November 2019, 22:23
Article "Sex Robots 101 – A Guide to Latest Advances in Sex Robot A.I. and Technology (https://sextoycollective.com/blog/sex-robots)"

by J.C. Way
November 5, 2019

26th December 2019, 03:22
Article "From 3D customised porn to sex with a virtual ex: Tracey Cox reveals how technology will change YOUR relationship in the next decade (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7824935/Tracey-Cox-looks-impact-technology-relationships-decade.html)"
Tracy Cox predicts how technology will change relationships in coming years
Believes artificial intelligence is already changing way humans are having sex
Sex expert says 3D porn and sex with a virtual ex will become commonplace

by Tracey Cox (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?t=21417)
December 25, 2019

25th January 2020, 21:56
Article "Sex robot brothel using teledildonics to give customers virtual hookers at home (https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/sex-robot-brothel-using-teledildonics-20765805)"
The Alien Cathouse in Nevada is set to become the most technologically advanced house of pleasure on Earth

by Michael Moran
November 1, 2019

Article "Brothel uses teledildonics and sex robots to give clients virtual prostitutes at home (https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/brothel-uses-teledildonics-sex-robots-20794932)"
The use of teledildonics at Alien Cathouse in Nevada, will allow customers in other states - or even other countries - to spend some virtual time with the brothel's star performers

by Sam Truelove
November 2, 2019

aliencathouse.com (https://www.aliencathouse.com)

facebook.com/AlienCathouse (https://www.facebook.com/AlienCathouse)

twitter.com/aliencathouselv (https://twitter.com/aliencathouselv)

9th March 2020, 16:58
Article "3D sex holograms become 'touchable' in stunning science breakthrough (https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/3d-sex-holograms-become-touchable-21656977)"
Ultrasonic emitters invented at the University of Sussex could one day allow people to interact with touchable holograms, paving the way for people to use them as a sex toy

by Michael Moran
March 8, 2020

17th April 2020, 15:27
Article "Online sex parties and virtual reality porn: can sex in isolation be as fulfilling as real life? (https://theconversation.com/online-sex-parties-and-virtual-reality-porn-can-sex-in-isolation-be-as-fulfilling-as-real-life-134658)"

by Jennifer Power, Andrea Waling
April 16, 2020

23rd May 2020, 16:47
"Sex and the Future (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?t=22126)", sci-fi comedy film, Luis Carlos Hueck, Ethan Zvi Kaplan, 2020, USA

17th December 2020, 15:03
Article "Virtual Sex Shouldn’t Be Limited to a Phone or Video Call — Try This Instead (https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/virtual-sex)"

by Gabrielle Kassel (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabrielle-kassel-wolinsky)
December 16, 2020

1st June 2021, 00:22

Live online | Sex, Robots and Artificial Intimacy | Dr. Kate Devlin, prof. dr. Kathleen Richards

Streamed live May 31, 2021

Intimacy through sex, love, and touch; for most people this is essential to leading a happy human life. The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated social distancing measures have significantly diminished our options for interpersonal intimacy. But the latest technologies could help fulfill our intimate needs.

The intertwining of technology and sexuality isn’t new, but the current pandemic has accelerated the introduction of new technologies like sex robots, tele-dildonics, and remote touch. These technologies aim to enhance, mimic, or replace intimate human interaction, deeply affecting our experiences of intimacy and sexuality.

Are these technologies a physical and moral threat, or a logical next step in our human and technological evolution? We will debate this hot topic with internationally renowned experts Kate Devlin (author of Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots) and Kathleen Richardson (leader of CASR: Campaign Against Sex Robots). The evening will be moderated by Lily Frank (Center for Human Technology Interaction TU/e).

27th October 2021, 13:54

All is full of love

Dec 8, 2005

9th January 2023, 12:21
Article "An AI porn lobby group had its fundraising campaign booted off Kickstarter after raising $56,000 (https://www.businessinsider.com/kickstarter-ai-generated-porn-group-unstable-diffusion-2023-1)"

by Beatrice Nolan (https://www.linkedin.com/in/beatrice-nolan-63ba581b3)
January 6, 2023

Unstable Diffusion: Unrestricted AI Art Powered by the Crowd (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/unstablediffusion/unstable-diffusion-unrestricted-ai-art-powered-by-the-crowd) (Suspended) on Kickstarter

13th May 2023, 18:03
Caryn AI (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?t=24698), virtual girlfriend

25th July 2023, 02:08
Article "As AI porn generators get better, the stakes get higher (https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/21/as-ai-porn-generators-get-better-the-stakes-raise)"
Porn generators have improved while the ethics around them become stickier

by Kyle Wiggers (https://twitter.com/kyle_l_wiggers)
July 21, 2023

15th February 2024, 01:53
Article "World’s First Marriage Between Woman And Her AI Hologram Partner (https://www.mobileappdaily.com/news/world-first-marriage-between-woman-and-her-ai-hologram-partner)"
In a bizarre revelation, Alicia Framis decided to tie the knot with her AI hologram partner, marking the world’s first AI-human marriage.

February 13, 2024

25th February 2024, 22:30
Article "AI ‘dream girls’ are coming for porn stars’ jobs (https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/of-interest/2024/02/25/ai-porn-avn-industry)"
AI will change adult entertainment forever. The risks — for sex workers and the rest of us — are profound.

by Tatum Hunter (https://www.linkedin.com/in/tatumhunter1)
February 25, 2024

2nd May 2024, 20:33
Article "Ads for Explicit ‘AI Girlfriends’ Are Swarming Facebook and Instagram (https://www.wired.com/story/ads-for-explicit-ai-girlfriends-swarming-facebook-and-instagram)"
WIRED found thousands of ads running on Meta’s social platforms promoting sexually explicit “AI girlfriend” apps. Some human sex workers say the platform unfairly polices their own posts more harshly.

by Lydia Morrish (https://www.linkedin.com/in/lydia-morrish-2a3a6893)
April 25, 2024