View Full Version : OpenROV, open-source underwater robot for exploration and education, Laguna Beach, California, USA

4th April 2014, 00:36
youtube.com/OpenROV (https://www.youtube.com/OpenROV)

linkedin.com/company/openrov- (https://www.linkedin.com/company/openrov-)

instagram.com/openrov (https://www.instagram.com/openrov)

OpenROV (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenROV) on Wikipedia

Maker and Co-founder - David Lang (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?12950)

Co-founder - Eric Stackpole (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?12949)

"OpenROV Trident - An Underwater Drone for Everyone (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/openrov/openrov-trident-an-underwater-drone-for-everyone)" on Kickstarter

"OpenROV - The Open Source Underwater Robot (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/openrov/openrov-the-open-source-underwater-robot)" on Kickstarter

4th April 2014, 00:38

OpenROV Explores Aquarius

Published on Jul 19, 2012

Introducing an open-source, tele-robotic submarine with live streaming video. You control it from the surface, and you see what it sees. Gone are the days of super expensive remotely operated vehicles. Now Open ROV is crowd-sourcing exploration, because a lot of amazing discoveries were made by chance, and the more people out there exploring, the more chance we have of understanding the mysteries of the ocean. Join us on the first real test of this exciting new technology in a dynamic ocean environment, at Aquarius.

4th April 2014, 00:39

OpenROV Meets the OpenWATER
June 15, 2012

The OpenROV was taken to the depths of the Atlantic near the Aquarius habitat during NASA's saturation mission, NEEMO-16. For more details about what we were doing, see: open.nasa.gov/blog/2012/06/14/open-hardware-exploration-at-neemo16

17th December 2014, 03:24

OpenROV v2.7

Published on Nov 26, 2014

Introducing the new OpenROV v2.7. The OpenROV is an open-source, low-cost underwater robot used for exploration and education. A capable tool as well as a great introduction to the world of marine robotics.

1st January 2015, 16:30

June 1, 2014

14th February 2015, 07:16

First R&D tank test of 2.7

Published on Feb 13, 2015

7th March 2015, 21:01

OpenROV v2.7 Technical Overview

Published on Mar 7, 2015

This video describes some of the features of the new version 2.7 OpenROV.

15th July 2015, 20:49

Underwater Drone (OpenROV)

Published on Jul 15, 2015

OpenROV, an open-source, low-cost underwater drone!
More details and links available here:
"Underwater Drone - OpenROV (https://flitetest.com/articles/underwater-drone-openrov)"

by FliteTest
July 15, 2015

13th October 2015, 21:09

Home Brew Robotics Club Meeting - Sep 2015 - Talk by OpenROV

Published on Oct 13, 2015

24th October 2015, 16:42

OpenROV Co-Founders Explore Caves in the Trinity Alps

Published on Oct 4, 2013

In this video, OpenROV co-founders David Lang and Eric Stackpole explain why they created an underwater exploration robot and how they use it to explore Hall City Cave in the Trinity Alps.

28th October 2015, 01:06

Underwater robot to raise ocean awareness

Published on Oct 27, 2015

A low cost robot controlled via the Internet could potentially increase underwater research and engage the public on the importance of ocean conservation, according to its developers. Ben Gruber has more.

"Underwater robot to raise ocean awareness (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-underwater-robot/underwater-robot-to-raise-ocean-awareness-idUSKCN0SL27D20151027)"

by Ben Gruber
October 27, 2015

29th October 2015, 20:34

The OpenROV Trident: An Underwater Drone As Fast As Michael Phelps

Published on Oct 29, 2015

Sarah Buhr speaks with Founder of OpenROV Eric Stackpole to learn more about the Trident, their VR enabled underwater drone.

Read full article:
"Underwater Drone Startup OpenROV Launches A Super Fast Exploration Robot (https://techcrunch.com/2015/10/29/underwater-drone-startup-openrov-launches-a-super-fast-exploration-robot)"

by Sarah Buhr
October 29, 2015

25th May 2016, 22:36

OpenROV's new Trident underwater drone!

Published on May 25, 2016

We catch up with OpenROV at Maker Faire to learn about their new Trident underwater drone. This new model is faster, has a better camera, and is built to be ready to dive out of the box. It also has a unique towable receiver buoy that floats and lets you pilot the drone remotely.

1st June 2016, 20:24

OpenROV Trident highlights

Published on Jun 1, 2016

Clips and highlights of the new OpenROV Trident underwater drone.

21st June 2016, 03:39

OpenROV v2.8 Deep ROV: technical overview

Published on Jun 20, 2016

This is a technical overview of the modifications we made from a stock OpenROV v2.8 in order to allow us to operate at depth of 150m to document the S.S. Tahoe wreck in Lake Tahoe.

24th June 2016, 07:09

OpenROV Haxpedition 2016: Trident Testing

Published on Jun 23, 2016

This is a compilation video from our testing of Trident in Lake Tahoe in June 2016.

5th September 2016, 22:40

This Low-Cost Robot Can Help You Explore the Ocean - Nat Geo Live

Published on Sep 5, 2016

Originally interested in building an underwater robot to explore a cave rumored to have gold and treasure, 2016 National Geographic explorer David Lang and a friend had no idea where their curiosity and drive for exploration would lead them. They turned to the Internet for help building their underwater robot, and a community of people emerged to assist. With the ability to descend to a maximum depth of a hundred meters, their low-cost underwater robot, called OpenROV, is redefining ocean exploration. Hear Lang talk about the journey to build OpenROV, how it is inspiring people to explore and engage in citizen science projects, and how the latest technology is creating a wave of low-cost, do-it-yourself products that are making new forms of exploration accessible to people all over the globe.