View Full Version : Q-Boats, remotely controlled instrument platforms, Teledyne Oceanscience, Carlsbad, California, USA

4th August 2014, 10:09
Manufacturer - Teledyne Oceanscience (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?5175)

Q-Boat 1800RP - teledynemarine.com/q-boat-1800rp (http://www.teledynemarine.com/q-boat-1800rp)

Q-Boat1250 - teledynemarine.com/Q-Boat_1250 (http://www.teledynemarine.com/Q-Boat_1250)

4th August 2014, 10:12

Oceanscience Q-Boat 1800P in Greenland "RV Rob" CTD Profiling with Oregon State University

Published on Jan 30, 2014

Researchers at Oregon State University traveled to Greenland and conducted remote CTD casts close to the ice where a large research vessel could not access. Over 100 dips were completed, using a deployment frame and winch system specially designed for RV Rob by OSU.