View Full Version : IRON MAN, 3D printed child prosthetic hand

15th October 2014, 14:41
Author - Pat Starace (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?8416)

15th October 2014, 14:43

3D Printed IRON MAN Child Prosthetic Hand

Published on Oct 15, 2014

How can we help a child that faces everyday challenges with a disability? My answer is to give them the most awesome prosthetic hand, and raise their self esteem to Super Hero Levels. The vision was to create a hand, so that a child can have something that solves a mechanical challenge, is affordable, and mostly Looks Awesome! Design goals:

1) It had to look awesome
2) It had to perform awesome
3) Hide all the strings and mechanics, so nothing distracts from the magic.

Thank You, Your pal Pat Starace (The mechanic)

9th January 2015, 17:41

Eight Year Old Tyler Gets The 3D Printed Iron Man Prosthetic Hand For Birthday

Published on Jan 6, 2015

Eight year old Tyler got the 3D Printed Iron Man Prosthetic Hand for his birthday. Seeing Tyler open it, put it on, light it up, and the big smile on his face made this the best day EVER! Tyler is one AWESOME Kid, and I'm looking forward to further develop the hand with Tyler and his awesome family. Soon he'll be picking up Oranges, and programming the Arduino Microcontroller in his hand. Thank you Tyler's Family for allowing us to be part of Tyler's Eighth Birthday.