View Full Version : The Connectome Engine, robotic worm, InterIntelligence Research, Westlake Village, California, USA

9th November 2014, 22:47
Website - connectomeengine.com (http://www.connectomeengine.com)

github.com/Connectome (https://github.com/Connectome)

Leader - Tim Busbice (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?8764)

9th November 2014, 22:48

Extending the C Elegans Connectome to Robotics

Published on May 30, 2014

One of the age old questions has been whether the way a brain is wired, negating other attributes like intracellular systems biology, will give rise to how we think and how we behave. We are not at the point yet to answer that question regarding the human brain but by using the well mapped connectome of the nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans (C. Elegans), we were able to answer this question as a resounding yes, at least in part. Using a simple robot (i.e. Lego Mindstorms EV3) and connecting sensors on the robot to stimulate specific simulated sensory neurons in an artificial connectome and condensing worm muscle excitation to move a left and right motor on the robot, we observe worm like behaviors in the robot based purely on environmental factors.

9th November 2014, 22:49

CElegans Neurorobotics

Published on Jun 6, 2014

Extending the connectome of C Elegans to a robot, displays behaviors we observe in the living organism and allows researchers to study the connectome from sensory input to motor output in real world environments.

19th December 2014, 06:40
Article "The robotic worm (http://radar.oreilly.com/2014/11/the-robotic-worm.html)"
Does the way a brain is wired determine how we think and behave? Recent research points to a resounding yes.

by Tim Busbice
November 7, 2014

19th December 2014, 06:41
Article "We’ve Put a Worm’s Mind in a Lego Robot's Body (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/weve-put-worms-mind-lego-robot-body-180953399)"
A wheeled Lego robot may not look like a worm, but it "thinks" like one after programmers gave it the neuron connections in a C. elegans roundworm

by Marissa Fessenden
November 19, 2014

19th December 2014, 06:42
Article "Scientists Put A Worm's Mind Into A Robot's Body (https://www.iflscience.com/technology/worms-mind-robot-body)"

by Kristy Hamilton
December 14, 2014