View Full Version : Nuance Virtual Assistant, Nuance Communications, Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts, USA

29th November 2014, 14:52
Developer - Nuance Communications, Inc. (https://pr.ai/showthread.php?3631)

nuance.com/omni-channel-customer-engagement/digital-and-messaging-solutions/virtual-assistant-and-chatbot.html (https://www.nuance.com/omni-channel-customer-engagement/digital-and-messaging-solutions/virtual-assistant-and-chatbot.html)

29th November 2014, 14:57

Nuance's Nina, the virtual assistant for customer service, on the street in NYC

Published on Mar 1, 2013

29th November 2014, 14:58

Nina - The intelligent virtual assistant

Published on Aug 16, 2013

29th November 2014, 15:00

Nina Web - A More Human Digital Experience

Published on Apr 21, 2014

Nina Web is an intelligent virtual assistant that delivers a personalized and effortless experience on your website.

Whether it's helping your customers place an order, answer questions or personalize their experience, Nina transforms how your customers interact with your organization.

Nina Web engages with your customers conversationally as a human employee would, yet with efficiency and consistency, delivering a better customer experience while reducing operational costs and increasing revenue opportunities.

Nina -- a more human digital experience

29th November 2014, 15:01

Windstream Communications Testimonial - Web Virtual Assistant

Published on Oct 8, 2014

Sarah Day, Vice President of Consumer Marketing at Windstream Communications, shares her perspective of Nuance's Nina, virtual assistant for the Web, at the Opus IAC San Francisco 2014 event.

5th November 2015, 21:33

Swedbank’s virtual assistant creates a personalised digital customer service

Published on Nov 5, 2015

Swedbank is one of the largest retail banks in Sweden with a presence in the Baltic countries as well as the US and China. It found that its customers (58% of whom favor digital channels for their financial services), as well as it’s 700-strong team of contact centre agents, were spending a lot of time trying to find the information they needed. Swedbank turned to Nuance and its Nina Web ‘virtual assistant to solve the problem. As a result, Swedbank has used the virtual assistant to provide a more personalised customer experience which has resulted in two million out of its six million annual calls now being resolved through easier self-service. This is allowing contact centre agents to spend more time helping customers with more complex queries. This has resulted in 78% first-contact resolution and is averaging over 30,000 conversations per month. This has also resulted in 55% of those conversations being deflected, meaning that those customers do not need to take any further action, such as calling the contact centre.

1st February 2016, 14:26

Nina: delivering self-service that customers love

Published on Feb 1, 2016

Nina delivers personalized self-service quickly and easily across mobile and web, providing an experience that customers prefer over static web pages and basic mobile apps.

23rd May 2016, 17:13

Introducing nuance Nina’s two-way text messaging over SMS

Published on May 23, 2016

Nina’s two-way text messaging over SMS adds an intelligent conversational interface to the popular text (SMS) messaging channel, removing the constraints of traditional automated text dialog. The feature allows a consumer to initiate customer service conversations by texting 1-800 numbers or respond to company initiated dialogs naturally, as if they were conversing with a live agent. From answering questions to confirming upcoming appointments, conversational text enables fundamental customer service transactions to occur anytime, anywhere.

31st March 2017, 15:21

Nuance Intelligent Virtual Assistant - Nina

Published on Feb 21, 2017

1st June 2017, 11:57

Nuance demonstration of Nina for Amazon Alexa

Published on Jun 1, 2017

Nuance unveils Nina for Amazon Alexa, the first intelligent enterprise virtual assistant that integrates with the popular internet-of-things (IoT) device to enable a new way for consumers to connect with their bank, airline, telco and retail brands, without needing to dial a phone number.

25th June 2018, 09:22

How Nuance's virtual assitants support the automotive customer journey

Published on Jun 25, 2018

Nuance’s virtual assistants offer car manufacturers a holistic solution to deliver an intelligent customer journey experience.
Let’s look how our technologies efficiently guide and support customers in their decision for a new car– and beyond.