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Realistic sex dolls

Most people are willing to choose sex robot to replace their partner

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The survey showed that 71% of men and 50% of women would replace their partners with sex robots. "Sex robots" mean more of an elaborate electronic love doll. The history of female sex dolls - and why most sex dolls are women - is closely related to patriarchal violence. Its future is also true. Western culture encourages men I conceptualize myself as the master of a woman; there is not much to have a sex doll from there. I also want to know if the hegemony of a female sex doll is related to the failure of imagination; for many straight men, the desire must be located in some women. Something on it.

But they have 'harmony', this is a Realistic sex doll with an electronic animation head. Many customers of buying dolls don't buy them for sex. It is about the performance of a relationship, it is about friendship and intimacy...

Even so, there is no lack of objection, they may become very high-tech pornography, because this is not just a machine, but a woman you think of. This is unfounded. There are ethical issues; there is a problem with reducing stereotypes.

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