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Realistic sex dolls

The world’s first vocable sex doll

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At least in 1922, the dolls had pronunciation function. These bodies are like living men and women, and they can change their postures at will with a simple pressure… This complete set of machines, regardless of gender, is 3000 francs. . The instrument can be equipped with recording accessories to record and play any sound, 3250 francs for men and 3,500 francs for women.

Just like the selfless and harmonious atmosphere in the forum, other countries on the European continent have said to the French: “A good man lives in peace.” Because France does not monopolize this technology, but allows it to spread widely. Since then, sex dolls have not only blossomed everywhere in France, but Germany, Austria and other countries have also begun to imitate them. However, Germany is the cheapest and Austria is the most expensive.

But so far, people still secretly put the realistic sex doll in private to enjoy, but soon a famous artist showed the dolls publicly for the first time, this person is Oscar Kokoschka.

He and his brother Fritz and Lotpinzer created his first doll in 1933.

The main body of this doll is made of a broomstick and part of a metal rod, and is covered with a wooden shell. The difference from the past is that the tpe sex doll is hollow inside. In order to further express his secret desires, Bell disassembled the doll, rearranged its parts, posing a series of suggestive poses to represent his fantasy, and he also took many photos for it.

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