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Realistic sex dolls

What changes will 5G bring to the robotic sex doll?

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5G is the beginning of a truly connected era.
So what changes will 5G bring to the sex doll industry? In fact, many sex doll manufacturers are already working with technical experts and technology companies in the field. We believe that exciting development will soon be seen. This is some of the changes we can imagine.

Application of sensor technology
Imagine that when you kiss her, rub her breasts or touch her vagina, the sex doll complains accordingly, the temperature changes, and the body becomes more and more lubricated. This is really possible by using sensors, and now there are some simple applications on some sex dolls. When you have sex with her, she can even complain to you that her buttocks may rotate to coordinate accordingly. The sensor detects changes in temperature, friction, humidity and pressure and then instructs the doll with AI function to respond in a specific way.

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