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Realistic sex dolls

New thoughts on realistic sex dolls.

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Maybe the sex doll can save your relationship. Maybe you think this sounds incredible, but it does have a practical effect on improving or saving a stagnant relationship. Because sex dolls may add unusual fun to your relationship. How they have changed over the years and couples can use these dolls to do something interesting. At this point, you may want to surprise your spouse.

The advantages of sex dolls are not limited to this. Compared with unguaranteed sex, the doll can not only provide a safe space to release the impulse, but also a channel to release pressure.

Sex dolls don't get pregnant. If you don't want to have children for any reason, sex dolls are the best, because they will never bring more monsters, and you won't be bored.

Sex dolls don't always have the girl's thoughts. They are a little bit of Mars. They can offer millions of pieces beyond what you think. Sex dolls won't do this. They are calm and good to you.

For those who have lost their love for life and those who simply don't like human companies, these realistic sex doll relationships provide a way to replace human interaction. In addition, when it comes to power relations, this is a relationship that individuals are still very controllable. I understand that this topic is a sensitive area when you bring feminist ideas into the equation, but for these people, dolls are just a way of social and sexuality.

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