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Sex dolls

Sex dolls help you build sexual relationships

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Sex doll robot head is a work in progress

This sex doll robot from California has been under development since 2016. It can tell jokes, speak dirty, and make realistic noise and facial expressions in sexual behavior.

Although there is no exact number of people in China who own these dolls, Yu, who established online followers in the silicone sex doll owner community, estimates that the number is at least six digits. When customers receive their harmonious robots, they can download the AI ​​personality directly to the robot to make it look more like life.

Yu shared his D cup sex doll online to go out and take photos on photos and was praised in the comments of more and more sex doll owners in China. He is so respected in the doll community, and some people ask Yu to use their dolls when they get married, because they know that dolls will be good.

In an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Dr. Adshade, an economist at the University of British Columbia, said that TPE sex doll robots can alleviate the pressure on married couples and establish "sexual relationships" to save their marriage.

"I see one of the roles of a sex robot in the future. Maybe you can find someone like your best friend and you will be a great parent of your child, but you don't necessarily need to have this with your child. Kind of sexual relationship. They."

However, he said that the sex doll robot head is still a work in progress, and the second edition will have more progress. “The second batch will add some new features to the head, such as cameras in the eyes for face and object recognition, face touch sensors, built-in speakers and more facial expressions,” he said.

Customized sex doll are introduced in China not just toys, they are used as family companions. According to one expert, if you are having trouble with your marriage, you may want to consider investing in sex robots.

The app controls all head animations, expressions and conversations. A special Bluetooth speaker can be installed on the head of the robot to make her appear to be speaking.

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