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Realistic sex dolls

You can actually take a hot bath with a silicone sex doll

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TPE does not allow this.
Silicone is also more durable and easier to clean.
TPE is more absorbent and can cause problems if it is not thoroughly cleaned and disinfected regularly.
If possible, you want to make sure you get platinum-cured silicone.
This makes the finished product softer and easier to touch.
From the beginning of casting to the final delivery to customers, the entire process takes about 80 hours. All processes are done manually. TPE Sex Doll's body parts are cast in a large mold, and then the bone parts are wrapped inside and bonded with an adhesive
The head, chest, and face are also cast and polished separately.
The chest and hip of a TPE sex doll will have a slight swing, which is beyond the reach of silicone dolls.
One of the main advantages of TPE is its affordable price.
You are unlikely to find a full-size silicone Sex Doll for less than a few thousand dollars.
TPE is also noticeably softer and more meat-like.
However, don't worry, if you are the first doll, you may not be able to tell the difference.

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