
Ecology Robot Visits David's Farm

Uploaded on Jul 14, 2009

Ecology Robot visits a farm near London, Ontario, Canada.
There doesn't appear to be a crop growing on the farm at this time. Lots of other activity . . .
Article "Artificial intelligence used to combat poaching"
The research builds on the idea of green security games - the application of game theory to wildlife protection. Game theory uses models of conflict and cooperation between rational decision-makers to predict the behaviour of adversaries and plan optimal approaches for containment.

April 23, 2016

Robots vs monsoons!

Published on Jun 22, 2016

The Bay of Bengal off the coast of India is about to get some new inhabitants: robots!

Scientists from India and the UK are collaborating on the largest study of India’s monsoon season and the results could improve the lives of over one billion people. The robots will gather data underwater as the conditions in the Bay of Bengal change during the monsoon season. When the robots surface, they’ll beam the information up to the research team.

Better understanding the monsoons could help people in countless ways, from minimizing the damage from flooding to improving crop yields. The more we know, the better!

Anemone escapes ROV Claw

Published on Aug 11, 2017

The NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer
ROV Deep Discoverer and ROV Seirios
EX1706 Dive 3
2017-7-15 1:14:55 UTC
Johnston Atoll

Nearing the end of the third dive off of Johnston Atoll, an island between the Marshall and Hawaiian Islands, ROV Deep Discoverer attempts a collection sample on an anemone and is met with a surprise.

The Inner Space Center is the official streaming partner of the Okeanos Explorer. Using cutting-edge equipment, the ISC transcodes and distributes all three simultaneous live streams to the Internet and participating scientists.

I am AI Docuseries, Episode 6: Running Wild for Nature Conservation - Wildbook

Published on Mar 28, 2018

Wildbook, an AI-powered software developed by researchers, is helping the Kenyan government track zebra movement to save them from extinction.

ASX: Using data intelligence to combat poaching

Published on Jun 14, 2018

ASX is a wide area communications signals surveillance system. See how QinetiQ's ASX Technology helps you to combat poaching.

How robots are being used to combat invasive species

Published on Oct 3, 2018

Invasive species are all over the world, but Lionfish are a particularly thorny problem. To help combat their takeover, scientists are turning to aquatic robot helpers. Plus: Space junk surrounds the Earth, but something as simple as a space net could help clear up the previous space about us. And a burger-flipping robot that lost its job has found a new home with the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Using artificial intelligence to save bees

Published on Jan 29, 2019

A beekeeper teamed up with the Signal Processing Laboratory 5 and a group of EPFL students to develop an app that counts the number of Varroa mites in beehives.
This parasite is one of the two main threats – along with pesticides – to bees’ long-term survival. Knowing the extent of the mites’ infestation will allow beekeepers to protect their bees more effectively.

Mapping the future of our forests with Microsoft AI

Published on Feb 4, 2019

Microsoft’s AI for Good initiative empowers people around the world working to solve humanitarian issues and create a more sustainable and accessible world. Learn how SilviaTerra is empowering conservationists, government organizations and land owners to inventory forests for ecological social and economic health using AI.

Fighting extinction with Microsoft AI and citizen science

Published on Feb 11, 2019

Microsoft’s AI for Good initiative empowers people around the world working to solve humanitarian issues and create a more sustainable and accessible world. Learn how Wild Me is using computer vision and deep learning algorithms to power Wildbook, a platform that utilizes technology to scan and identify individual animals and species.

How Brazil’s first AI for Earth grantee plans to use AI to better conserve precious rivers

Published on May 23, 2019

SOS Mata Atlantica “exists to protect one of the most endangered forests in the world: the Atlantic Forest and its associated ecosystems and people.” As Brazil’s first AI for Earth grantee, the organization plans to leverage Microsoft’s artificial intelligence technology to improve its clean water initiative. Nearly 3,500 volunteers currently monitor more than 250 rivers throughout the Atlantic Forest, which includes the vast majority of the country’s urban population and its biggest cities. Now, the NGO hopes to evolve from issuing annual reports to sharing more actionable insights – backed by strong data – that could impact public policy and save a precious resource from the ravages of pollution.