Bill Gates

Bill Gates wants Robots to Care for Elderly

Uploaded on Jan 18, 2011

Bill Gates wants Robots to Care for Elderly, Health Care or Medicine Gone Mad? Bill sees robots as nurses of the future. Whats next, robots to harvest organs?

From poverty to prosperity: A conversation with Bill Gates

Published on Mar 14, 2014

The greatest antipoverty achievement in human history is unfolding before our eyes. The percentage of people living in extreme poverty has plummeted by 80 percent in the past four decades alone. Child mortality has fallen to record lows. Whole societies where deprivation and hopelessness seemed inevitable just a generation ago now rank among the world's fastest-growing economies.

What brought about this remarkable transformation? How can we build on its success? AEI's Philanthropic Freedom Project welcomes Bill Gates for an exclusive event at AEI. In conversation with AEI President Arthur Brooks, Gates will describe philanthropy's role in reshaping the landscape of global poverty, dispel myths about development that prevent the poor from rising, and discuss his prediction that almost no countries will still be poor by 2035.

Bill and Melinda Gates: Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done...

Published on Apr 2, 2014

In 1993, Bill and Melinda Gates—then engaged—took a walk on a beach in Zanzibar, and made a bold decision on how they would make sure that their wealth from Microsoft went back into society. In a conversation with Chris Anderson, the couple talks about their work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as about their marriage, their children, their failures and the satisfaction of giving most of their wealth away.

Bill Gates interview: How the world will change by 2030

Published on Jan 22, 2015

The Verge sat down with Bill Gates to talk about his ambitious vision for improving the lives of the poor through technology. It just so happens that The Verge exists to explore that kind of change — which is why Bill Gates will be The Verge’s first ever guest editor in February.

Bill Gates: I think we do need to worry about artificial intelligence

Published on Jan 22, 2016

Microsoft founder Bill Gates on drones, start-ups, artificial intelligence and privacy versus security concerns.

Bill Gates: how gene editing, AI can benefit world's poorest

Feb 20, 2020

This plenary lecture was taped in Seattle at the AAAS Annual Meeting on Feb. 14th, 2020. Bill Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In 1975, Bill Gates founded Microsoft with Paul Allen and led the company to become the worldwide leader in business and personal software and services. In 2008, Bill transitioned to focus full-time on his foundation’s work to expand opportunity to the world’s most disadvantaged people. Along with co-chair Melinda Gates, he leads the foundation’s development of strategies and sets the overall direction of the organization. In 2010, Bill, Melinda, and Warren Buffett founded the Giving Pledge, an effort to encourage the wealthiest families and individuals to publicly commit more than half of their wealth to philanthropic causes and charitable organizations during their lifetime or in their will. In 2015, Bill created the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, a group of individuals and entities committed to clean energy innovation, followed by Breakthrough Energy Ventures in 2016, an investor-led fund focused on providing patient capital to support cutting-edge clean energy companies.

Bill Gates on AI and the rapidly evolving future of computing

Mar 21, 2023

Today, we have a special guest joining us on the podcast—Bill Gates! With the rapidly evolving AI landscape, including the release of products like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and the new Bing, it was the perfect time to have Bill join to talk about this unique moment in the history of computing. In this episode, Kevin talks with Bill about the latest in AI research, including the release of GPT-4, how past technology revolutions have led us to where we are today, how AI is evolving his philanthropic work, his love of reading, and so much more!