Vestel Robotic Advertisments, Vestel, electronics, Manisa,Turkey

Vestel - Northpole
June 6, 2011

If you have friends living near the polar circle that told you they they saw a VESTEL robot recently - believe them! Because this time you?ll discover a secret VESTEL science lab at the north pole. And meet two lovely Inuit kids, a giant avalanche - and a lot of snow!

Vestel Motivation
December 15, 2012

In the middle of a crowded stadium packed with spectators, a team of Vestel transformers squares off against a group of evil one-eyed robots in a high-stakes rugby match. Whatever the challenges are, the Vestron team will have to prevail - even if that includes washing their own dirty laundry a successful match.

For this commercial I composited the robots, as well as the water spashes and crouds into a few shots.
The trickiest part was seperating the water splashes from the original plate and reintegrating them with the robots.

Visit for more information about the project!

Vestel - Aramides
March 1, 2011

What are our Vestel Aramides washing machines doing at night? See our latest commercial for Vestel and join our Vetrons on a action packed trip through Istanbul and see what they can achive when they group together and work as a team!

Vestel - Cowboy
May 3, 2011

Watching TV is one thing... but a 3D TV dragging you into the action of the movies is on a completely different page! In our latest commercial we jump right into the action of an old western movie where our heroes are chased by indians. Will they manage to escape? Or will the indians catch up?

Vestel - F18 Jetwash
November 7, 2011

Cleaning the dishes is a normal task for a dishwasher... doing this in 18 minutes is damn fast for a dishwasher... but racing an F-16 to deliver a coffe-to-go to a jet-pilot is a quite unusual task for a dishwasher.
Race with our F18 Jetwash through canyons and above the clouds, having some fun with a F-16 jetfighter! Let's see who's faster!