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The Android Prophecy - 60 minute Documentary Trailer

Published on Apr 10, 2012

Will Androids overtake humanity?

For downloads and more information: journeyman.tv/film/5432

For almost a century, Hollywood has been warning us of a future where human beings become enslaved by the machines they created. But has the time come to take the seemingly outlandish imagination of science fiction seriously? Drawing disturbing conclusions about our impending mechanical domination, 'The Android Prophecy' investigates the parallels between movie director fantasy and science reality. Be afraid... be very afraid.

Trailer - My Life With a Robot
June 17, 2015

They are teachers, nurses, rescuers and who knows what else in the future? They can have any shapes: automatic cars, pets, or humans. They are robots. But what is like living with one of them 24 hours a day?
Angelica, a robotics engineer, and her boyfriend have decided to do it for 110 days. They will also travel around the world to check the latest advances in the field.
How will they cope with this very peculiar menage a trois?

Sentience - documentary
October 24, 2016

A documentary that explores the methodologies of achieving artificial intelligence and the tools we will need to control it.

The Culling Has Begun.

A pestilence is spreading, but it’s origins aren’t biological, they are digital. A computer virus has evolved to infect the minds of people through their everyday devices. Once infection occurs, death soon follows. But, a rogue band of hackers hold the key to stopping it, if they can survive their own infections long enough.

Sentience was the winner of the Black Mirror "Fanisode" contest, exclusively released on Vimeo for a limited time only.

How The Robot Revolution Could Change The World

Published on Sep 1, 2015

Could robots become so intelligent they one day wipe out humanity - or will they simply boost our productivity, our social well-being and our health? Sky's Technology Correspondent Tom Cheshire investigates.

Robot Revolution | Special Report

Published on Sep 7, 2015

Are robots going to dominate our future, or are they already among us? Tom Cheshire dives into the world of robotics to discover the technology that's already out there and what the future may hold.

The Terminator and the Washing Machine | Retro Report | The New York Times

Published on Mar 28, 2016

What the legendary matches between supercomputer Deep Blue and chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov reveal about today’s artificial intelligence and machine learning fears.

Produced by: RETRO REPORT

Read the story here:
"Smart Robots Make Strides, but There’s No Need to Flee Just Yet"
Retro Report

by Clyde Haberman
Match 6, 2016

Algorithms rule us all - VPRO documentary - 2018

Premiered Oct 26, 2018

Whether you get a job or a mortgage, who is released early from prison: algorithms increasingly determine the big decisions in our lives. Algorithms rule us all, algorithms rule everything. Because algorithms are faster and more efficient than people. But do they always make better decisions? And what does a society look like in which we are sent by big data and computer code?
Companies, and increasingly governments too, use algorithms to automate bureaucratic processes. These algorithms, sets of instructions and rules that are fed by big data, unnoticeably determine our lives more and more. For example, the algorithm of Facebook determines which (political) advertisements we see and see large groups of employees in the on-demand economy never even a boss. From an application procedure to a dismissal request they are controlled by an algorithm. Where should they complain if something does not go as it should be?
Legislatives are also emerging in the judiciary. For example, an American prisoner had to sit longer than comparable prisoners because the algorithm, which establishes a risk score, gave him an inexplicably high outcome. And unlike the decisions made by a judge, it turns out to be virtually impossible to challenge the assessment of an algorithm. Recently the British company Cambridge Analytica appeared to have developed models based on large amounts of Facebook data, which could influence the voting behavior of voters. These psychographics show that algorithms can not only steer individual lives but also democracy.

The mathematicians and programmers begin to realize that the algorithms that are among all these automated decision systems are not neutral and may contain errors. Because the smart code may then decide more quickly than people, the results are not only sometimes defective, but sometimes downright dangerous. Should we be blindly guided by the decisions of the algorithm?

Olympia (2010) Dir.Wendy McMurdo
January 17, 2013

Olympia was produced as part of a two-year project exploring the growth of social and humanoid robotics in the UK and beyond. Olympia was shot on location at Bristol Robotics Labs, one of the largest of its kind in Britain.
Humanoid robotics - one the most complex and often provocative areas of artificial intelligence - form the central subject of this short film. At what point are we willing to believe that we might form a real bond with a machine?
Olympia was premiered at the 2011 Onedotzero film festival at the British Film Institute, London (and touring) and screened in 2012/3 as part of the Bloomberg Film Salons at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London and at the Hackney Picture House, also in London.


Coexistence of Humans & AI

Feb 9, 2020

Artificial Intelligence, while still limited to only the most simplistic computers and robots, is beginning to emerge and will only grow smarter. Can humanity survive it's own creations and learn to coexist with them?

Artificial intelligence & algorithms: pros & cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)

Sep 26, 2019

Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) are leading to fundamental changes in the way we live. Algorithms can already detect Parkinson's disease and cancer, and control both cars and aircraft. How will AI change our society in the future?

This documentary journeys to the hot spots of AI research in Europe, the USA and China, and looks at the revolutionary developments which are currently taking place. The rapid growth of AI offers many opportunities, but also many dangers. AI can be used to create sound and video recordings which will make it more and more difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction. It will make the world of work more efficient and many professions superfluous. Algorithms can decide whether to grant loans, who is an insurance risk, and how good employees are. But there is a huge problem: humans can no longer comprehend how algorithms arrive at their decisions. And another big problem is AI’s capacity for widespread surveillance. The Chinese city of Rongcheng is already using an AI-supported 'social credit system' to monitor and assess its citizens. Does AI pose a danger to our personal freedoms or democracy? Which decisions can we leave to the algorithms - and which do we want to? And what are AI’s social implications?

A documentary by Tilman Wolff und Ranga Yogeshwar

How artificial intelligence is changing our society | DW Documentary

Apr 18, 2020

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing our lives. It touches on all aspects of society - private life, business, security -- including in the spread of fake news and the challenges posed by the advent of autonomous weapons.

This documentary looks at the rapid change digitalization is causing as it unfolds. In particular, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence are opening completely new horizons. In their film about AI, Tilman Wolff and Ranga Yogeshwar examine the role AI plays in the spread of fake news. They also consider a future with robots and the risks and ethical questions posed by the development of autonomous weapons. To address these issues, they travel the globe to speak with leading experts. AI can generate perfectly forged sound and videos, making it effective for purveying fake news. Discerning the truth from fiction will become increasingly difficult. Technology will streamline work, making some jobs surplus to requirements. Software will pilot self-driving cars and aerial drones. AI is rapidly opening up new vistas, but turning blind corners at speed can be risky. How sensible is this type of progress, and at which point should society step in and set limits to its development?

A documentary by Tilman Wolff und Ranga Yogeshwar

A Vision Of The Future - BBC Click

Dec 5, 2020

To coincide with the International Day of Persons With Disabilities, Click explores the latest developments around accessibility and inclusion in tech. Blind reporter Lucy Edwards investigates how AI helps visually-impaired people identify people and objects with their phones, while Niamh Hughes looks at the strides made in gaming accessibility, through the prism of her own experiences.

ROBOTICS: The Future is Now (1984) William Shatner - the Science of Robotics (Star Trek Kirk film)

Jul 5, 2022

"ROBOTICS: The Future is Now" William Shatner (of Star Trek) talks about the Technology of Robotics in this rarely seen 1984 science documentary. (Temporary upload of this excerpt for review and comment only.) Films shows lots of vintage technology, good color, scenes of robots in action, use of industrial robots in manufacturing, robotics in industry and science, and a good discussion by Mr. Shatner of the future benefits of Robotics for society. - How far has the robotics field come since this film was made?

Narrated in 1984, Shatner, at this same time period, was also in the popular series "T. J. Hooker" as a 15-year veteran police sergeant. The T.J. Hooker series premiered on March 13, 1982, on ABC and ran on the network until May 4, 1985. Later, the show was picked up for a further season by CBS.

Shater is best known for his role as Captain James Kirk in the Star Trek TV and film productions, but he also has starred in many other successful film and TV series and appearances, including Boston Legal, The Unexplained, the Outer Limits, Raw Nerve, and many others. He is a man of many talents with a career spanning decades.

Video: Star Trek: Journey to Ampex (Tomorrow is Yesterday 1967)