3D-printed self-folding electronics, CSAIL, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Toward self-folding robots

Published on Sep 12, 2017

Researchers report a new technique for printing electronics that can fold themselves into a predetermined shape. The development, reported in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, could lead to new ways for people to interact with machines and even create self-folding robots.

For more information, read the research abstract:
“3D-printed Self-folding Electronics”
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

Self-folding printable structures

Published on Sep 13, 2017

A team of researchers from MIT and Umass Amherst have designed 3-D printed structures that can fold themselves up without any outside stimulus, and the folding begins the instant it is peeled off the printing platform.

Article "“Peel-and-go” printable structures fold themselves"
Expanding polymer enables self-folding without heating or immersion in water.

by Larry Hardesty
September 13, 2017