
First Video Transmitted Via Laser Beam From Space Station

Published on Jun 6, 2014

The Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS) aboard the International Space Station transmitted a video titled "Hello, World" to Earth. Mission manager Matt Abrahamson of JPL explains how it works.

Skywatcher Captures Video Of X-37B Unmanned Military Space Plane | Video

Published on Mar 27, 2014

Skywatcher Kevin Fetter of Brockville, Ontario in Canada shot this March 9, 2014 video of the U.S. military's X-37B space plane passing by the moon. The robotic US Air Force space plane surpassed 470 days in orbit, an endurance record, in March 2014.

Future-proofing the Interplanetary Internet

Published on Nov 29, 2017

NASA looks to Disruption Tolerant Networking to help communicate with satellites and spacecraft over long, interplanetary distances. Unlike the familiar computer-to-computer IP connection, the Disruption Tolerant Networking bundles data and transmits as many bundles as it can when a communication path opens. If a bundle fails to transmit, it goes into storage and waits for the next communication path to open, then sends it. If the bundles were all part of a single file, the file can be reassembled at the final destination.