A framework for fine robotic assembly, Control-Robotics-Intelligence (CRI) Group, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Bimanual pin insertion

Published on Sep 15, 2015

First step in the automatic assembly of an IKEA chair : pin insertion. We integrated optical motion capture, motion/grasp planning and force control to achieve this highly dexterous task. See the accompanying paper "A Framework for Fine Robotic Assembly"

by Francisco Suarez-Ruiz, Quang-Cuong Pham
September 16, 2015

Bimanual manipulation of a chair frame

Published on Dec 5, 2016

We propose a motion planning and control framework to manipulate a large object, such as an IKEA chair frame, using multiple manipulators in closed-chain.
Nice information regarding robotics, fine robotic assembly, in which the parts to be assembled are small and fragile and lie in an unstructured environment, is still out of reach of today's industrial robots. The main difficulties arise in the precise localization of the parts in an unstructured environment and the control of contact interactions. Our contribution in this paper is twofold. First, we propose a taxonomy of the manipulation primitives that are specifically involved in fine assembly.