ELEVATION, documentary, Dezeen, 2018, United Kingdom


Published on Mar 22, 2018

Dezeen presents ELEVATION, a film about how Drones will transform cities, revolutionising how people travel, how goods are delivered and how buildings look and are constructed.

“Aerial highways” will relieve pressure on roads as deliveries and human transportation take to the skies in unmanned electric vehicles.

Architecture will change dramatically as the ground floor entrance is replaced by rooftop landing, parking and recharging zones and deliveries arrive via specially constructed portals on the sides of buildings.

This vision of the future is set out in ELEVATION, a new documentary created by online architecture magazine Dezeen.

Dragonfly drone delivery concept by PriestmanGoode

Published on Mar 22, 2018

Industrial design studio PriestmanGoode has unveiled its vision for a fleet of urban delivery drones.

Called Dragonfly, PriestmanGoode's concept is for an integrated system where autonomous drones become the primary service for mail deliveries in cities.

The vision of cities transformed by drones was unveiled by Paul Priestman, co-founder and chairman of PriestmanGoode, during a panel on the future of travel at the Great Festival of Innovation in Hong Kong.

PriestmanGoode's Dragonfly concept will feature in Dezeen's upcoming documentary ELEVATION, which will explore the ways that transport, deliveries, construction and architecture will all be transformed by drones.

"PriestmanGoode unveils concept for city-wide drone delivery system"

by Tom Ravenscroft
March 22, 2018