MARSHA, 3D printed Mars habitat, AI SpaceFactory, New York, USA

AI SpaceFactory - MARSHA - Our Vertical Martian Future - Part One

Published on Jul 23, 2018

Phase 3: Level 1 of NASA's 3D Printed Habitat Challenge

Marsha is a proposal for a habitat on the surface of Mars built autonomously using local and mission-generated materials.

Jeffrey Montes (lead)
David I. Malott
Sima Shahverdi
David Riedel
Michael Bentley
Tony Jin

Structural engineering – Thornton Tomasetti
(Dennis C.K. Poon, Chi Chung Tse, Saravanan Panchacharam, Hao Chen)
Lighting design – Haniyeh Mirdamadi, Arup
Concrete design – Dr. Victor Li, University of Michigan
Polymer design – Techmer PM
Mars geochemistry – Dr. Scott McLennan, Stony Brook University
Planetary physics – Dr. Philip Metzger, University of Central Florida
Systems and civil engineering – Dr. Paul van Susante, Michigan Tech
ISRU/ robotics – Dr. Kris Zacny, Honeybee Robotics
Basalt construction – PISCES
Building energy performance - Duncan Phillips, RWDI

MARSHA 3D Print (NASA Centennial Challenge Victory Highlight Reel)

Published on May 7, 2019

Relive the thrilling victory of AI SpaceFactory's team MARSHA Alpha at the recent NASA Centennial Competition (3D Printed Habitat Challenge). This 3D Print of a 1:3 scale Mars Habitat (MARSHA) required three days to complete and endless dedication from our innovative team at AI SpaceFactory. After rigorous testing by the monstrous machinery at Caterpillar's legendary Edwards Demonstration Center, MARSHA Alpha was awarded first place.

The Mars Homes That NASA Awarded $500k

Published on Jun 17, 2019

AI SpaceFactory's "MARSHA" Mars Habitat just won NASA's 3-D Printed Habitat Challenge. Compared to others, their design looks downright luxurious. It has multiple floors, spacious living quarters, and plenty of windows to gaze upon the Martian horizon.