Mayflower Autonomous Ship, robotic, clean energy ship, Plymouth, England

The Mayflower autonomous ship project and the future of automation - with Jonathan Batty from IBM

Streamed live September 23, 2020

I am joined by Jonathan Batty, IBM's Head of Communications for the Mayflower Autonomous Ship Project, to discuss the launch of the Mayflower autonomous ship and the future of automation, and what that means for our oceans and us humans.

AI and automation power the Mayflower Autonomous Ship

May 6, 2021

The marine research vessel Mayflower Autonomous Ship is a first-of its-kind autonomous ship, built and owned by marine research non-profit ProMare, yet IBM technology has played a central role in bringing it to life. With its AI Captain powered by IBM Automation, the crewless ship will self-navigate across oceans, safely run 24/7, and collect real-time data on ocean health and climate.

This modern Mayflower will gather critical ocean data on the impact of climate change and pollution so that marine researchers can better understand and protect our oceans — now and into the future.