ROVeo, fast rover for rough terrain and hazardous places, rovenso, Lausanne, Switzerland

ROVeo Mini Climbing Indoor Stairs

Published on Nov 20, 2015

ROVeo Mini climbing the indoor stairs of the new ROVENSO R&D facility within the BlueBotics's building near Lausanne, Switzerland.
ROVeo Mini is the small scale prototype of the ROVeo platform.

All-terrain robot for nuclear decommissioning

Published on Nov 30, 2015

ROVeo is a robot whose unique four-wheel design allows it to climb over obstacles up to two-thirds its height. Rovenso, the start-up that developed this prototype, aims to produce a larger-scale model equipped with a robotic arm for use in dismantling nuclear plants, for example.


Dec 14, 2019

Video presenting ROVENSO and its agile robot for security and safety monitoring of industrial sites: ROVéo.

Filming, editing and production by Matvey Klimov for ROVENSO.


Jun 12, 2021

Movie presenting ROVENSO and ROVéo, it's autonomous robot for security and safety monitoring of industrial sites.

ROVENSO is a startup from EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) incorporated in 2016.

ROVéo patrols fully autonomously 24/7, 2-3x more cost-effective than manned guarding, inside and outside industrial buildings, preventing intrusions, detecting any thefts of assets, but also detecting safety hazards such as start of fires, liquid leaks or systems dysfunctions that could put people’s life at risks and that could be even missed by security guards.