5G Wireless Communications, Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co KG, Munich, Germany

Rohde & Schwarz webinar: Unleashing 5G mm-waves – a test & measurement perspective

Published on Oct 17, 2014

In the past 12 months, research around 5G wireless communications has gained significant momentum. Aspects discussed include how to define the overall use cases and constituent technology elements in order to fulfill the anticipated demanding requirements. At present, neither frequencies nor bandwidths have been decided on, and it is still unclear as to what a potential new physical layer may look like. But it seems obvious that 5G will require, among other things, higher frequencies and bandwidths to accommodate the anticipated capacity. This poses a challenge for transceiver components such as filters, mixers and amplifiers. To design these components and later integrate them into an mm-wave transceiver, adequate test and measurement solutions are essential. This webinar discusses the associated test and measurement aspects and challenges that have been identified, and demonstrates initial measurement solutions.

What you will learn:
- Status of worldwide 5G research activities
- Requirements and technology options for 5G
- Challenges and available solutions from a test & measurement perspective

Demystifying 5G – requirements and timeline

Published on Feb 15, 2016

In this video we answer the questions: what is 5G, what are the targeted applications and resulting requirements and what is the anticipated timeline?

The demystifying 5G video series discusses main topics related to 5G including requirements, timeline, potential frequency and waveform candidates.

Demystifying 5G – limitations of LTE

Published on Feb 16, 2016

What limitations of LTE have been identified from a waveform perspective and related to 5G? How do new 5G waveform candidates cope with these limitations?

Demystifying 5G – frequency candidates

Published on Feb 18, 2016

A future 5G mobile communication standard shall support among other things a feature defined as enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB). eMBB calls for Gbps peak data rates and hundreds of Mbps average user data rates. This requires wider bandwidths that are only available in the cmWave and mmWave frequency spectrum. What are the frequencies and frequency bands for 5G that are being discussed in the industry?

Demystifying 5G – signal generation and analysis of cm- and mm-wave frequencies

Published on Feb 19, 2016

How does Rohde & Schwarz support 5G research activities at cmWave and mmWave frequencies? The video demonstrates high frequency signal generation and analysis using signal generator and analyzer solutions from Rohde & Schwarz.

Demystifying 5G – How about 5G EVM measurements better than 40 dB at 28 GHz?

Published on Mar 23, 2016

The 28 GHz band is one of the 5G frequency candidates that gains a lot of attention in South Korea and the USA. Signal bandwidths of up to 500 MHz are under discussion. The R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator and R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz deliver the required performance for transmitter and receiver design and enable design engineers to measure signal quality such as error vector magnitude (EVM) of -40 dB or even better for wideband signals at cm-wave frequencies.

Demystifying 5G – 2 GHz modulation bandwidth for 5G signal generation

Published on Mar 23, 2016

Enhanced mobile broadband is a major topic in the ongoing 5G discussions, with peak data rates in the Gbit/s range and average user data rates of 100 Mbit/s. To achieve these data rates wider signal bandwidths of 500 MHz, 1 GHz and even up to 2 GHz are considered, only available at higher frequencies sub 6 GHz and beyond. To enable the industry to study wider bandwidths at higher frequencies, Rohde & Schwarz implemented a unique 2 GHz modulation bandwidth in the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator enabling 5G signal evaluation up to 40 GHz carrier frequency.

Demystifying 5G – UFMC signal generation

Published on Mar 29, 2016

How to generate UFMC signals? Universal filter multi carrier (UFMC) is one of the deliverables of the EU-funded 5GNOW project. Rohde & Schwarz implemented UFMC and other 5G waveform candidates in their signal generator and signal analyzer solutions. This enables researchers to compare waveform candidates with each other and their own proposals, perform hardware in-the-loop experiments such as analyzing the impact of non-linear devices (e.g. power amplifier) to the signal characteristics and optimize RF front-end designs.

Demystifying 5G – UFMC signal demodulation

Published on Mar 24, 2016

How to demodulate UFMC signals? Universal filter multi carrier (UFMC) is one of the deliverables of the EU-funded 5GNOW project. Rohde & Schwarz implemented UFMC and other 5G waveform candidates in their signal generator and signal analyzer solutions. This enables researchers to compare waveform candidates with each other and their own proposals, perform hardware in-the-loop experiments such as analyzing the impact of non-linear devices (e.g. power amplifier) to the signal characteristics and optimize RF front-end designs.

Demystifying 5G – PAPR: Difference for 5G PHY layer concepts vs. LTE

Published on Jun 28, 2016

The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is a critical parameter for describing a waveform, such as OFDM. 5G waveform candidates, such as FBMC, UFMC and GFDM, are also OFDM-based. In this video we explore the PAPR for these waveforms and compare them to LTE, a fully standardized technology including scrambling and channel coding methods. FBMC, UFMC and GFDM are pure physical layer concepts and thus lack of a fully defined scrambling method. How this fact impacts the PAPR for the 5G waveform candidates is also analyzed.

Demystifying 5G – PAPR: Generating a scrambled payload sequence

Published on Jun 28, 2016

Even 5G waveform candidates, such as FBMC, UFMC and GFDM, are based on OFDM, they are pure physical layer concepts that lack of a fully defined scrambling method. This results in a varying peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) depending on the used payload data which are typically pseudo noise (PN) sequences. In this video we describe how to generate a scrambled bit sequence using the LTE standard.

The demystifying 5G video series discusses main topics related to 5G including requirements, timeline, potential frequency and waveform candidates.

Demystifying 5G – PAPR: Scrambled payload sequences for 5G waveform candidates

Published on Jun 29, 2016

In this video we explain how to use a scrambled bit sequence as payload in form of a data list for 5G waveform candidates, such as FBMC, UFMC or GFDM, using the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator.

Demystifying 5G – 5G power amplifier characterization

Published on Jun 30, 2016

In this video we explore how to set up Rohde & Schwarz signal generators and spectrum analyzers to characterize a 5G power amplifier using 5G waveform candidates, such as FBMC, UFMC or GFDM.

Demystifying 5G – Full power frequency sweep for 5G PA characterization

Published on Jul 4, 2016

5G power amplifiers typically support a power range and a frequency band. It is important to characterize the amplifier for these settings using power and frequency sweep and 5G waveform candidates such as FBMC, UFMC and GFDM. This video demonstrates a power vs. frequency sweep while measuring error vector magnitude (EVM), crest factor, adjacent channel leakage power ratio (ACLR) and other relevant parameters using the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator and R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer from Rohde & Schwarz.

Demystifying 5G – External harmonic mixer vs. spectrum analyzer

Published on Jul 5, 2016

How to extend the frequency range of your spectrum analyzer? You can either use external harmonic mixers or invest in a new spectrum analyzer that covers the required frequency range. This video explains the differences between both methods and why a spectrum analyzer has a clear advantage compared to an external harmonic mixer.

Demystifying 5G – US is leading the race for 5G frequency candidates

Published on Nov 9, 2016

In July 2016 the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), the US regulator, decided to open up additional spectrum for future 5G wireless communications. This video provides a summary on the intended frequency bands for 5G in the US and explains the potential auction principles.

The demystifying 5G video series discusses main topics related to 5G including requirements, timeline, potential frequency and waveform candidates.

Demystifying 5G – 5G specification published by Verizon Wireless

Published on Nov 10, 2016

In July 2016 Verizon Wireless, the United States tier-1 network operator, published a first set of technical specification for a proprietary 5G wireless communications standard. The standard is based on LTE Release 12 and intended for "fixed wireless access". This video provides some background information and compares the Verizon Wireless 5G standard with the current LTE specification from a physical layer point of view.

Demystifying 5G – Verizon Wireless 5G waveform

Published on Nov 11, 2016

How to configure a waveform that follows the Verizon Wireless 5G specification is the topic of this video. The focus is on downlink and synchronization signals, broadcast channels and beamforming reference signals.

The demystifying 5G video series discusses main topics related to 5G including requirements, timeline, potential frequency and waveform candidates.